October 2024


October 2024

Setting Java garbage collection policies

Navigate to the JVM which you want to set gc policy as mentioned in below figure.


Enter the gc policy which you want to set in the text field “Generic JVM arguments “ other gc policies which you can set for JDK 5 are:- -Xgcpolicy:optthruput -Xgcpolicy:optavgpause -Xgcpolicy:subpool




Save and […]

Synchronization Simplified

Synchronization Simplified

Synchronization Simplified

Synchronization is a process of updating the nodes with master configuration repository changes.The network deployment scenario of WebSphere application server contains multiple nodes managed by a Dmgr and Dmgr holds the master repository of configurations. Any updates or changes through Dmr will be saved in the master configuration and the nodes […]

WAS Version Details

WAS Version Details WAS Version Details ————————– Let us check how a version number is formed..

For example: Let us take version

—-7——— 0 ————2 ———–13— version | release | refresh pack | fixpack

WAS,IHS and Plugin log Details

WAS,IHS and Plugin log Details Kindly post your comments and likes.

IBM Http Server Logs. =================

Default log Directory ————————–


access.log –> Contains the logs of all requests process by IBM Http Server. error.log —-> Contains the errors and diagnostics information while processing the requests.

Plugin Logs. ========

Default Log Directory. —————————


http_plugin.log […]

JVM heap size/properties by using wsadmin utillity

JVM heap size/properties by using wsadmin utillity How to get JVM heap size/properties by using wsadmin utillity —————————————————————————-

1.)Type below command from wsadmin prompt ———————————————————- wsadmin>$AdminTask showJVMProperties {-serverName server1 -nodeName myhostNode01}

Output ——– {classpath {}} {bootClasspath {}} {verboseModeClass false} {verboseModeGarbageCollection false} {verboseModeJNI false} {initialHeapSize 258} {maximumHeapSize 512} {runHProf false} {hprofArguments {}} {debugMode false} {debugArgs -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=7777} […]

SSL Handshake Failed, Specified label could not be found in the key file

This error is seen due the SSLServerCert variable defined in httpd.conf file of IHS defined under the SSL Virtual host.

Check the hostname or the common name that is mentioned next to SSLServerCert variable.

Solution: Install the self signed or signed certificate with the common name and import it to the key.kdb.


Install SSL certificate

The following instructions will guide you to create csr and import the signed crt in the default kdb of IHS.

Step 1: Finding the Kdb The default Kdb will be present in the IHS installation path. Find the key.kdb and take a back up before executing the commands. Step 2: Creation of Csr Use the […]

DSO load failed: SSL0166E: Failure attempting to load GSK library (libgsk7ssl.so) Configuration Failed

The following error will be displayed in the error_log while starting the Apache webserver after enabling the SSL module.

Error: [Tue Dec 09 00:00:18 2014] [notice] (2019)DSO load failed: SSL0166E: Failure attempting to load GSK library (libgsk7ssl.so) Configuration Failed

OS – Linux

SSL0166E: Failure attempting to load GSK library (libgsk7ssl.so) Configuration Failed

To check if […]

keystores and truststores for websphere

This post will guide you on how to create and configure custom keystores and truststores instead of using the default keystores and truststores that are created during the profile creation.

Imagine if you have two or more applications running on the same application server profile, Then we can use this feature if any application needs […]

gskcmd command

The following instructions will guide you to create csr and import the signed crt in the default kdb of IHS.

Step 1: Finding the Kdb The default Kdb will be present in the IHS installation path. Find the key.kdb and take a back up before executing the commands. Step 2: Creation of Csr Use the […]