January 2018


January 2018

Install Microsoft SQL Server On CentOS Linux

In December 2016 Microsoft made their SQL Server database available in Linux. Here we’ll cover how to install and perform basic setup of MSSQL in the RHEL based Linux distribution CentOS.

Install MSSQL In CentOS 7

First we’ll set up the repository file, Microsoft provide a copy of this for RHEL here: https://packages.microsoft.com/config/rhel/7/mssql-server.repo

We’ll use […]

amazon linux redis install

Redis Install Using epel Repository sudo yum –enablerepo=epel install redis ===================================================================================================================================================================== Package Arch Version Repository Size ===================================================================================================================================================================== Installing: redis x86_64 2.4.10-1.el6 warm 213 k Transaction Summary ===================================================================================================================================================================== Install 1 Package

version 2.4.10-1.el6 has been installed. (January 30, 2016)

Using remi Repository sudo rpm -Uvh http://rpms.famillecollet.com/enterprise/remi-release-6.rpm sudo yum –enablerepo=remi install redis ===================================================================================================================================================================== Package Arch Version Repository […]

Linux memory management

I think that is a common question for every Linux user soon or later in their career of desktop or server administrator “Why Linux uses all my Ram while not doing much ?”. To this one today I’ve add another question that I’m sure is common for many Linux system administrator “Why the command […]

Spectre and Meltdown explained

By now, most of you have probably already heard of the biggest disaster in the history of IT – Meltdown and Spectre security vulnerabilities which affect all modern CPUs, from those in desktops and servers, to ones found in smartphones. Unfortunately, there’s much confusion about the level of threat we’re dealing with here, because […]

Jenkins on CentOS 7

Jenkins is a free and open source CI (Continuous Integration) tool which is written in JAVA. Jenkins is widely used for project development, deployment, and automation. Jenkins allows you to automate the non-human part of the whole software development process. It supports version control tools, including AccuRev, CVS, Subversion, Git, Mercurial, Perforce, ClearCase and […]

XFS Filesystem has duplicate UUID problem

If you can not mount your XFS partition with classical wrong fs type, bad superblock etc. error and you see a message in kernel logs (dmesg) like that:

XFS: Filesystem sdb7 has duplicate UUID – can’t mount

you can still mount the filesystem with nouuid options as below:

mount -o nouuid /dev/sdb7 disk-7

But every […]

Yum (Yellowdog Update Modified)

Patching a server is an important task for Linux system administrators in order to make the system more stable and perform better. Manufacturers often release some security / high-risk patches, the software needs to be upgraded to guard against potential security risks.

Yum (Yellowdog Update Modified) is an RPM package management tool used on CentOS […]

MySQL backup command mysqldump parameters and examples

MySQL backup command mysqldump parameters and examples

1. Grammar options -h, –host=name CPU name

-P[ port_num], –port=port_num The TCP / IP port number used to connect to the MySQL server

–master-data This option adds the location and filename of the binlog to the output. If it is equal to 1, it will be printed as […]

CentOS 7 through nmcli team to achieve multiple network card binding

CentOS 7 through nmcli team to achieve multiple network card binding

nmcli con add type team con-name team0 ifname team0 config ‘{“runner”:{“name”:”roundrobin”}}’

Run ip link command to view the interface available in the system 1, create a bond card nmcli con add type team con-name team0 ifname team0 config ‘{ “runner”: { “name”: “roundrobin”}}’ various […]

OS Tunining

CentOS and RHEL Performance Tuning Utilities and Daemons Tuned and Ktune

Tuned is a daemon that can monitors and collects data on the system load and activity, by default tuned won’t dynamically change settings, however you can modify how the tuned daemon behaves and allow it to dynamically adjust settings on the fly based on […]