July 2024


July 2024

554 5.7.1 : Relay access denied centos postfix

554 5.7.1 : Relay access denied centos postfix


Based on the Postfix documentation, setting mynetworks = all doesn’t appear to be valid, and if you specifically set mynetworks to something, then mynetworks_style is ignored.

Reset mynetworks back to its default value if you want to use mynetworks_style=host, or explicitly set mynetworks to reflect where […]

postfix admin

This article mainly describes the postfix common command and mail queue management:

Postfix has the following four message queues, are managed by the management of the process of unified management:

maildrop: local mail placed in maildrop, but also copied to incoming. incoming: Places messages that are arriving at the queue or managing the process that […]


Biglobe is OP25B because there are regulations, to set via the relay server of Biglobe. Thus SASL to transmit authentication. SPF perform the source domain authentication in. S25R , Greylisting , Tarpitting prevent access from suspicious server approach. Because you do not want to do in the form of a patch to Postfix, the […]

Postfix With smtpd Access Restrictions

Anti-Spam Defense: Using Postfix With smtpd Access Restrictions

Fighting spam, aren’t we all… To stem the tide of unwanted junk mail look no further than the built-in access restrictions in Postfix.

If you find yourself the postmaster-in-chief, the last think you want is having to rely on your users to weed through spam and […]

Securing Your Postfix Mail Server with Greylisting, SPF, DKIM and DMARC and TLS

”Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance” (DMARC).

DMARC basically builds on top of two existing frameworks, Sender Policy Framework (SPF), and DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM).

SPF is used to define who can send mail for a specific domain, while DKIM signs the message. Both of these are pretty useful on their own, and reduce incoming […]

Postfix Implement SPF Record Checking

So I’ve been dealing with quite a bit of spam recently, the usual “You’re due a tax rebate open XYZ.zip and fill out the form”, etc. Following from my last blog post, Postfix Force SMTP Authentication, I noticed I never setup my mail server to check received mail against the senders SPF records, which I […]

Configuring Postfix as a Null Client

Configuring Postfix as a Null Client

This howto assumes that the relay server’s IP address is and is running RHEL/CentOS 7. Only mail from the network should be accepted and relayed.

Install Postfix [root@rhce-server ~]# yum install postfix

Configure Systemd [root@rhce-server ~]# systemctl enable postfix [root@rhce-server ~]# ^enable^start

Configure the Firewall [root@rhce-server ~]# […]

Quick postfix queue depth script

for i in `ls -al /var/spool/postfix |grep ‘^d’|awk ‘{print $9}’|grep -v ‘\.$’`; do c=`find $i|wc -l`; echo “$c $i”; done;

Postfix – whitelisting and spf filtering

Postfix – whitelisting and spf filtering

The whitelist will allow me to manually allow any mail servers to bypass the spf filtering and RBL(Real-time Blacklists) lists.

What does SPF filtering do? Suppose a spammer forges a Hotmail.com address and tries to spam you. They connect from somewhere other than Hotmail. When his message is sent, […]

Postfix – Blocking spam before it enters the server

Postfix – Blocking spam before it enters the server Posted in DNSBL E-mail E-mail spam Extended SMTP Mail transfer agents Postfix Spam filtering When i first setup the server part 1 and part 2 i used the basic setting for postfix but soon found that i could reduce the amount of spam and load on […]