October 2024


October 2024

Dnsmasq Centos7

One could only guess that the rationale for lack of DNS caching in RHEL is the arguable efficiency for those systems which aren’t network connected or simply don’t need to make any DNS lookups.

There are of course such cases where you don’t need (many) DNS resolutions. I can think of:

a dedicated DB […]


CentOS 7 non-root users install source version of Docker

Check if the current host has a docker group

cat /etc/group | grep docker

sudo groupadd docker

cat /etc/group | grep docker

useradd test

cat /etc/passwd | grep dev01

Add sudo permissions for new users

vi /etc/sudoers ??Add on line […]

How to install Apache, PHP 7.3 and MySQL on CentOS 7.6

How to install Apache, PHP 7.3 and MySQL on CentOS 7.6

I will add the EPEL repo here to install latest phpMyAdmin as follows:

rpm –import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY* yum -y install epel-release

Installing MySQL / MariaDB MariaDB is a MySQL fork of the original MySQL developer Monty Widenius. MariaDB is compatible with MySQL and I’ve […]

Create an SSH server alias on a Linux system

If you frequently access many different remote systems via SSH, this technique will save you some time. You can create SSH aliases for frequently accessed systems via SSH, so you don’t have to remember all the different usernames, hostnames, SSH port numbers, and IP addresses. In addition, it avoids repeatedly entering the same username, […]

How to create a TCP listener or open ports in unix os

You can create a port listener using Netcat .

yum install nc -y

root@rmohan:~# nc -l 5000 you can also check if port is open or not using netstat command .

root@vm-rmohan:~# netstat -tulpen | grep nc tcp 0 0* LISTEN 0 710327 17533/nc you can also check with nc :


Steps to install Oracle 19c in CentOS 7.6 RPM mode

Steps to install Oracle 19c in CentOS 7.6 RPM mode

Download the required installation package:

1.1 preinstall

http://yum.Oracle.com/repo/OracleLinux/OL7/latest/x86_64/getPackage/oracle-database-preinstall-19c-1.0-1.el7.x86_64.rpm 1.2 Oracle rpm installation package

https://www.oracle.com/technetwork/database/enterprise-edition/downloads/index.html It is recommended to download at home or see the VPN proxy download speed in the company.


yum localinstall -y oracle-database-preinstall-19c-1.0-1.el7.x86_64.rpm

Install after installation is complete

yum localinstall -y […]

How to recover “rpmdb open failed” error in RHEL or Centos Linux

You are updating the system through yum command and suddenly power goes down or what happen if yum process is accidentally killed. Post this situation when you tried to update the system again with yum command now you are getting below error message related to rpmdb:

error: rpmdb: BDB0113 Thread/process 2196/139984719730496 failed: BDB1507 Thread […]

Simple way to configure Ngnix High Availability Web Server with Pacemaker and Corosync on CentOS7

Pacemaker is an open source cluster manager software which provide high availability of resources or services in CentOS 7 or RHEL 7 Linux. It has feature of scalable and advanced HA Cluster Manager. This HA cluster manager distributed by ClusterLabs.

Corosync is the core of Pacemaker Cluster Manager as it is responsible for generating […]

check Redhat version

The objective of this guide is to provide you with some hints on how to check system version of your Redhat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). There exist multiple ways on how to check the system version, however, depending on your system configuration, not all examples described below may be suitable. For a CentOS specific […]

pyenv + pyenv-virtualenv (CentOS 7)

Overview I summarized the installation on CentOS. Although it is little different from OSX, it is organized because the premise environment is different.

environment I am trying in the next environment.

$ uname -r 3.10.0-229.14.1.el7.x86_64 $ lsb_release -a LSB Version: :core-4.1-amd64:core-4.1-noarch:cxx-4.1-amd64:cxx-4.1-noarch:desktop-4.1-amd64:desktop-4.1-noarch:languages-4.1-amd64:languages-4.1-noarch:printing-4.1-amd64:printing-4.1-noarch Distributor ID: CentOS Description: CentOS Linux release 7.1.1503 (Core) Release: 7.1.1503 Codename: Core
