April 2016


April 2016

LACP, SR-IOV, Elastic Ports

LACP, SR-IOV, Elastic Ports

including LACP support, SR-IOV, Elastic Ports, BPDU Filters, and new Scalability. All of the technology presented here has been verified and “tinkered with” in the Wahl Network lab on VMware ESXi 5.1.0 build 613838 (beta).

This deep dive series will go into all of the awesome goodies that are baked into […]

vMotion Enhancements for vSphere 6

Upcoming new vMotion features:

vMotion across vCenter Servers (VCs) vMotion across virtual switches: Virtual Standard Switch (VSS), Virtual Distributed Switches (VDSs) vMotion using routed vMotion networks Long-distance vMotion for use cases such as: Permanent migrations (often for Datacenter expansions, acquisitions, consolidations) Disaster avoidance SRM and disaster avoidance testing Multi-site capacity utilization Follow-the-sun scenarios Onboarding onto […]

Determine the Zeroed status of Thick Lazy disk

this article there is a potential write performance impact on the first-write to each block in the Lazy Zeroed Thick Disk. If you for some reason would like to know how large part of the Thick Lazy that has been zeroed of a production virtual machine and how much remains to be zeroed later you […]

VMware Thin and Thick Client Provisioning: A Brief Overview

Thick and thin client provisioning is not as different as you might first assume, both operate by running a client application on the desktop – which then sends and receives data over the network to the server. By going through the differences with you here, we will hopefully help you see how one might benefit […]

What Files Make Up a Virtual Machine?

What Files Make Up a Virtual Machine?

You may never need to know the file names or locations for your virtual machine files. Virtual machine file management is performed by VMware Workstation. If the behind the scenes file structure is not interesting to you, skip this section.

A virtual machine typically is stored on […]

What’s new in vSphere 6.0

Straight from PEX 2015 in San Francisco, here’s a recap of the February 2 announcement for what’s new in vSphere 6.0

Platform Enhancements:

128 vCPUs per VM 4TB of RAM per VM 64 hosts per cluster 12TB of system RAM 480 vCPUs per host Hot-add RAM is now vNUMA aware WDDM 1.1 GDI acceleration […]

tomcat 8 centos 6.7

## screen -U -S tomcat8-screen ## yum update INSTALL JAVA 8

Download the latest JAVA 8 from here or use the following command to download JAVA JDK 8u5:

for 32bit systems use:

## wget –no-cookies \ –no-check-certificate \ –header “Cookie: oraclelicense=accept-securebackup-cookie” \ “http://download.oracle.com/otn-pub/java/jdk/8u5-b13/jdk-8u5-linux-i586.rpm” \ -O /opt/jdk-8-linux-i586.rpm

for 64bit systems use:

## wget –no-cookies \ –no-check-certificate […]

How to install phpmyadmin on centos 7

How to install phpmyadmin on centos 7 Phpmyadmin is an opensource tool to manage MySQL database using web browser. it can perform almost all tasks such as creating,deleting,modifying databases,users,tables and fields . This guide helps you to install phpmyadmin on centos 7. it contains step by step installation through YUM using EPEL repository. Prerequisite – […]

Install the Apache

? Web server Apache

Install the Apache, which boasts the largest share in the world. You must first install the apache in yum.

# Yum install httpd # Rpm -qa | grep httpd httpd-2.4.6-18.el7.centos.x86_64 httpd-tools-2.4.6-18.el7.centos.x86_64

Edit the configuration file (/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf). The following has been described only part that was edited.

ServerAdmin webmaster@rmohan.com ServerName www.rmohan.com:80

# […]

SSL Security




This tutorial shows you how to set up strong SSL security on the Apache2 webserver. We do this by updating OpenSSL to the latest version to mitigate attacks like Heartbleed, disabling SSL Compression and EXPORT ciphers to mitigate attacks like FREAK, CRIME and LogJAM, disabling SSLv3 and below because of vulnerabilities […]