October 2016


October 2016


Biglobe is OP25B because there are regulations, to set via the relay server of Biglobe. Thus SASL to transmit authentication. SPF perform the source domain authentication in. S25R , Greylisting , Tarpitting prevent access from suspicious server approach. Because you do not want to do in the form of a patch to Postfix, the […]

Setting Java garbage collection policies

Navigate to the JVM which you want to set gc policy as mentioned in below figure.


Enter the gc policy which you want to set in the text field “Generic JVM arguments “ other gc policies which you can set for JDK 5 are:- -Xgcpolicy:optthruput -Xgcpolicy:optavgpause -Xgcpolicy:subpool




Save and […]

MQ messaging

This example is a simple demonstration for understanding how MQ transfer messages between two queue managers and the minimum required MQ components for the same. Kindly Share/Like/Follow the page if you like this article.

Below are the steps involved in this example.Source queue manager —————————— 1.) Create source queue manager. 2.) Start source queue manager. […]

Synchronization Simplified

Synchronization Simplified

Synchronization Simplified

Synchronization is a process of updating the nodes with master configuration repository changes.The network deployment scenario of WebSphere application server contains multiple nodes managed by a Dmgr and Dmgr holds the master repository of configurations. Any updates or changes through Dmr will be saved in the master configuration and the nodes […]

WAS Version Details

WAS Version Details WAS Version Details ————————– Let us check how a version number is formed..

For example: Let us take version

—-7——— 0 ————2 ———–13— version | release | refresh pack | fixpack

WAS,IHS and Plugin log Details

WAS,IHS and Plugin log Details Kindly post your comments and likes.

IBM Http Server Logs. =================

Default log Directory ————————–


access.log –> Contains the logs of all requests process by IBM Http Server. error.log —-> Contains the errors and diagnostics information while processing the requests.

Plugin Logs. ========

Default Log Directory. —————————


http_plugin.log […]

JVM heap size/properties by using wsadmin utillity

JVM heap size/properties by using wsadmin utillity How to get JVM heap size/properties by using wsadmin utillity —————————————————————————-

1.)Type below command from wsadmin prompt ———————————————————- wsadmin>$AdminTask showJVMProperties {-serverName server1 -nodeName myhostNode01}

Output ——– {classpath {}} {bootClasspath {}} {verboseModeClass false} {verboseModeGarbageCollection false} {verboseModeJNI false} {initialHeapSize 258} {maximumHeapSize 512} {runHProf false} {hprofArguments {}} {debugMode false} {debugArgs -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=7777} […]

Certificate Management by using gsk7cmd command

Certificate Management by using gsk7cmd command Command: gsk7cmd

Purpose: gsk7cmd is a command line tool for certificate management. Prerequisite: set JAVA_HOME varriable. Example: export JAVA_HOME=/usr/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/java (this depends on your environment)

Parameters for below examples:

keystore Name: testcacerts.jks / test.kdb password: changeit / testit

NOTE:- If you are practicing below examples kindly practice it in the […]

How do I calculate %CPU in my own libvirt programs?

How do I calculate %CPU in my own libvirt programs?


Virt-top FAQ ( http://people.redhat.com/~rjones/virt-top/faq.html#calccpu )

Simple %CPU usage for a domain is calculated by sampling virDomainGetInfoperiodically and looking at the virDomainInfo cpuTime field. This 64 bit field counts nanoseconds of CPU time used by the domain since the domain booted. Let t be the […]

Speed up scp file transfer

Speed up scp file transfer Speed up scp file transfer 20/05/2008 Syed Atif Ali Whats the fastest encryption to transfer files with SCP ?

Description : Many times it is required to transfer files across machines on the same network , all machinesbeing on the same network and behind proxy its useless to transfer them […]