I spent a little bit of time getting a JBoss cluster running on my development machine and then configuring a Apache 2.2.17 server to load balance between the 2 node cluster. Here is how I did it.
I had to enable the following modules on Apache:
LoadModule proxy_module modules/mod_proxy.so LoadModule proxy_ajp_module modules/mod_proxy_ajp.so LoadModule proxy_balancer_module modules/mod_proxy_balancer.so LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so LoadModule ssl_module modules/mod_ssl.so LoadModule status_module modules/mod_status.so
Then, I had to setup the rules for the balancing Apache proxy at the end of the conf/httpd.conf file:
ProxyReceiveBufferSize 4096 <proxy balancer://ajpcluster> BalancerMember ajp://test.local.host:8109 BalancerMember ajp://test.local.host:8209 </proxy> <location /jconsole> ProxyPass balancer://ajpcluster/jconsole stickysession=JSESSIONID|jsessionid nofailover=On ProxyPassReverse balancer://ajpcluster/jconsole </location> RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off RewriteRule (.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} Redirect / /jconsole RedirectMatch ^/(?i)admin /jconsole RedirectMatch ^/(?i)status /jconsole
Then, I needed to enable the conf/mod-jk.conf file, update the http.conf to reflect this, and add this VirtualHost:
<virtualHost localhost> ServerName localhost JkMount /jconsole loadbalancer JkMount /jconsole/* loadbalancer </virtualHost>
Then, I needed a conf/uriworkermap.properties file:
# Simple worker configuration file # Mount the Servlet context to the ajp13 worker # Example # Mapping the URI /myapp1 and everything under /myapp1/: # /myapp1|/*=myworker-a /jconsole|/*=loadbalancer /jkstatus|/*=jkstat
Then, I needed a conf/workers.properties for mod-jk:
# Define list of workers that will be used # The configuration directives are valid # for the mod_jk version 1.2.18 and later worker.list=loadbalancer,jkstat # Define Node1 worker.ports1.port=8109 worker.ports1.host= worker.ports1.type=ajp13 worker.ports1.lbfactor=1 worker.ports1.prepost_timeout=10000 worker.ports1.connect_timeout=10000 worker.ports1.ping_mode=A worker.ports1.connection_pool_size=10 # Define Node2 worker.ports2.port=8209 worker.ports2.host= worker.ports2.type=ajp13 worker.ports2.lbfactor=1 worker.ports2.prepost_timeout=10000 worker.ports2.connect_timeout=10000 worker.ports2.ping_mode=A worker.ports1.connection_pool_size=10 # Load-balancing behaviour worker.loadbalancer.type=lb worker.loadbalancer.balance_workers=ports1,ports2 # Status worker for managing load balancer worker.jkstat.type=status
And, that is basically it. You can download my portable , self extracting zip file, of my Tomcat and JBoss cluster running on “localhost”. Just unzip and read the readme file enclosed. It works as-is , by navigating to the app called “http://test.local.host” after you have it running.
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