Display Certificate Subject name in readable format
openssl x509 -in CERTIFICATE_FILE -noout -subject -nameopt multiline,-lname,-align
To verify a certificate chain
openssl verify CERTIFICATE_FILE
The file CERTIFICATE_FILE contain the intermediate certificate first and the servers certificate.
Check your Certificate using the Certificate Check tool at the bottom of the page
To view a PKCS#12 file using openssl command
openssl pkcs12 -in CertName.p12
A PKCS#14 file contains the certificate, private key and all the intermediate certificate’s in a certificate chain and is encrypted with a password.
Alternatively use PKCS12 view Tool
Convert PKCS#12 file to pem format using openssl command
openssl x509 -inform der -in certname.p12 -out convertedfile
To view PKCS#7 files using openssl command
The PKCS #7 format enables the transfer of a certificate and all the certificates in its certification path from one computer to another, or from a computer to removable media. PKCS #7 files typically use the .p7b extension, and are compatible with the ITU-T X.509 standard
openssl pkcs7 -in filename_containing_cert -print_certs -out cert.pem
Convert a PKCS#7 file from PEM to DER using openssl command
command: openssl pkcs7 -in filename_containing_cert -outform DER -out file.der
Convert a DER formatted certificate to PEM using openssl command
openssl x509 -inform der -in certificate_file -outform pem -out newfilename.pem
To view the Der formatted file (*.crt, *.cer, *.der)
openssl x509 -inform der -in certificate_file -text Top
Display Certificate Thumbprint
To display certificate thumbprint using open source software namely openssl
1. openssl x509 -in CERTIFICATE_FILE -noout -sha1 -fingerprint
2. openssl x509 -in CERTIFICATE_FILE -noout -fingerprint
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