To recover a password in Oracle, simply connect under command line mode on the server:
#sqlplus /nolog SQL>conn / as sysdba SQL>alter user Username identified by PASSWORD;
To reset your Orable database password:
Your password file should be under <orahome>\database\PWD<SID>.ora.
Delete it and run the Oracle password utility from the command prompt:
c\:Oracle\ora92\database>ORAPWD file=PWD<SID>.ora password={password} entries={however many}.
The <password> is your new sys password. After you log in as sys you can change it and create new passwords for system.
How do I get the list of tables in an Oracle database from SQL Plus?
To list the tables in the schema of the current user:
SELECT table_name FROM user_tables;
List the tables accessible by the user:
SELECT table_name FROM all_tables;
List all the tables (must be ADMIN):
SELECT table_name FROM dba_tables;
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