Installing Oracle database Client to access DB
Either you can use sqldeveloper as oracle client or you can execute it from the command line using # sqlplus
We can access oracle server graphically by using a package called sqldeveloper.
# rpm -ivh sqldeveloper-
if the front end not getting install the jdk package and try…
# or install jdk on root and put the package in user account and run the ./ from user account. if it shows any permission problem give 777 permission for .sh file and install and tell the jdk installed path while asking. Also included path in /etc/profile and if needed add it in .bashrc file
From the console we can use a Client called sqlplus
$ sqlplus /nolog —– It starts sqlplus without logging in to a database.
$ connect / as sysdba —— Connecting as an administrative user,No password is required. This is equivalent to the desupported “connect internal” method.
$ sqlplus -s /nolog ———– Sets silent mode which suppresses the display of the SQL*Plus banner, prompts, and echoing of commands.
$ SQLPLUS [ { username[/passward][@connect_identifier] | / } [ AS { SYSDBA | SYSOPER } ] | /NOLOG ]
/home/oracle/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/network/admin/tnsnames.ora ( In this path we are defining the connect_identifier, Using connect
using identifier we can access the db and tables of another system. To do so define the hostname,port,connect_identifier etc in tnsnames.ora file(copy the contents and edit the files)
$ sqlplus system/oracle@pfdb (connect_identifier)
we can connect to remote machine using this OR We can give the remote machine details in
tnsnames.ora, else connect using ipaddress and port/ We can give any connect_identifier name.
$ sqlplus system/oracle@orcl —— Give the connection details in tnsnames.ora
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