When you need to have proxy connection available to whole system, so dont bother with settings for firefox, yum proxy and similar, its simple as just plain file 😉
just copy & paste following code to terminal window. if you need other shell , like csh , just add another file with csh extension.
This should work for every user on system.
/bin/cat <
export http_proxy=http://host.name:port/
export ftp_proxy=http://host.name:port/
export HTTP_PROXY=http://host.name:port/
export FTP_PROXY=http://host.name:port/
export no_proxy=.localdomain.com
In case , that you want enable proxy access to only specific user, just add lines to his bash-profile file
echo “export http_proxy=http://hostname.or.ip:port” >> /user_home/.bash_profile
just change hostname/ip to your hostname/ip of proxy server eg. myproxy.company.sk:8080
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