~ # esxcfg-mpath –l (to list all the device paths)
~ # esxcfg-mpath –s (to change the path state)
~ # esxcfg-mpath –bd <naa name of your device/lun> (to list the paths and state)
Other ESXi path command options:
esxcfg-mpath <options> [–path=<path>]
-l|–list List all Paths on the system with their
detailed information.
-L|–list-compact List all Paths with abbreviated information
-m|–list-map List all Paths with adapter and device mappings.
-b|–list-paths List all devices with their corresponding paths.
-G|–list-plugins List all Multipathing Plugins loaded into the
-s|–state <active|off> Set the state for a specific LUN Path. Requires
path UID or path Runtime Name in –path
-P|–path Used to specify a specific path for operations.
The path name may be either the long Path UID or
the shorter runtime name of the path. This can
be used to filter any of the list commands to
a specific path if applicable.
-d|–device Used to filter the list commands to display
only a specific device.
-h|–help Show this message.
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