if you have not created a s3 bucket kindly go through with EC2 documentation.The documentation is very clear and easy to understand .This is the link how to create S3bucket
After creating a new bucket follow the given below steps.
Step 1: Download the latest s3fs package from S3fs link
Step 2: Untar the package in EC2 instance.
tar -xvzf s3fs-1.63.tar.gz
Step 3: If it is new centos or ubuntu instance. Update the system .
For CentOS or Red Hat
yum update all
For Ubuntu
sudo apt-get update
Step 4: Now install the dependencies.
In CentOS or Red Hat
yum install gcc libstdc++-devel gcc-c++ fuse fuse-devel curl-devel libxml2-devel openssl-devel mailcap
In Ubuntu or Debian
apt-get install build-essential gcc libfuse-dev fuse-utils libcurl4-openssl-dev libxml2-dev mime-support build-essential libcurl4-openssl-dev
Step 5: Now change to extracted directory
cd s3fs-1.63
Step 6: Now compiling
./configure –prefix=/usr
make install
Step 7: To check where s3fs command is placed in O.S. It will also tell you the installation is ok.
which s3fs
Step 8: Now getting the access key and secret key.
Click on AWS Menu -> Your AWS Account Name -> Security Credentials
Note: The option is at top Right corner of the aws console page
Here you can see access key and secret key (secret key is visible when you click on show tab)
Copy these both keys seperately
Step 9 : Create a new file in /etc with the name passwd-s3fs
Paste the access key and secret key in this manner .
Note: colon (:) is require in between of both keys.
for eg.
Access key: bwbshjklwmsysiene7hh
Secret key: jdjbeeosakw3389
vi /etc/passwd-s3fs
save and exit from file.
Note: I just gave an eg. of keys by randomely typing the letters. But you have to only paste the keys which you have obtained from “Security Credential” tab -see step 8
Step 10: change the permission of file
chmod 640 /etc/passwd-s3fs
Step 11 : now create a directory to mount S3bucket
mkdir /mys3bucket
Step 12: Now mount the s3 bucket
s3fs bucketname /mys3bucket
Note: you can get bucket name from S3 management console.
Step 13: To check mounted s3 bucket
df -Th /mys3bucket
Step 14 : If you already had some data in s3bucket and it is not visible then you have to set permission in ACL at S3 AWS management console for related s3 bucket.
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