April 2024


April 2024

The keystone CLI is deprecated in favor of python-openstackclient.

The keystone CLI is deprecated in favor of python-openstackclient.

UPDATE: It turns out that installing the new client can cause issues with Keystone. I found this out the hard way yesterday when it failed during a demo, preventing authentication from the command line. After a few hours troubleshooting it turns out Apache (httpd.service) and Keystone (openstack-keystone.service) were clashing. I was unable to fix this regardless of updating each of these services config files to separate them out. Finally guessed it might be the last package I installed that was the cause. After removing python-openstackclient and rebooting the controller node the issue was fixed.

Original post
In OpenStack Kilo the Depreciation message for the Keystone CLI will be displayed whenever using invoking the keystone command. “DeprecationWarning: The keystone CLI is deprecated in favor of python-openstackclient. For a Python library, continue using python-keystoneclient.”

To move to the new python-openstackclient, simply install it. On RHEL7.1:
yum install -y python-openstackclient.noarch

After that it will be available as the command “openstack”. It can be invoked in interactive mode just by typing “openstack” or directly from the command line to get information. For example, to list users:
Old Keystone CLI: “keystone user-list”
New Openstack CLI: “openstack user list”

To be more similar to the output of the old command issue “openstack user list –long” to get the extra fields.

You may also want to update the script “openstack-status” so it uses the new client. To do so, please:
1. Edit /usr/bin/openstack-status with your favorite editor
2. Replace the old command with the new one (around line 227) like so:

#keystone user-list
openstack user list –long

The new CLI can do a lot more of course. For a full list of commands please refer to the below (executed with “openstack” + command):

aggregate add host ip fixed remove server rescue
aggregate create ip floating add server resize
aggregate delete ip floating create server resume
aggregate list ip floating delete server set
aggregate remove host ip floating list server show
aggregate set ip floating pool list server ssh
aggregate show ip floating remove server suspend
availability zone list keypair create server unlock
backup create keypair delete server unpause
backup delete keypair list server unrescue
backup list keypair show server unset
backup restore limits show service create
backup show module list service delete
catalog list network create service list
catalog show network delete service show
command list network list snapshot create
complete network set snapshot delete
compute agent create network show snapshot list
compute agent delete object create snapshot set
compute agent list object delete snapshot show
compute agent set object list snapshot unset
compute service list object save token issue
compute service set object show token revoke
console log show project create usage list
console url show project delete usage show
container create project list user create
container delete project set user delete
container list project show user list
container save project usage list user role list
container show quota set user set
ec2 credentials create quota show user show
ec2 credentials delete role add volume create
ec2 credentials list role create volume delete
ec2 credentials show role delete volume list
endpoint create role list volume set
endpoint delete role remove volume show
endpoint list role show volume type create
endpoint show security group create volume type delete
extension list security group delete volume type list
flavor create security group list volume type set
flavor delete security group rule create volume type unset
flavor list security group rule delete volume unset
flavor set security group rule list
flavor show security group set
flavor unset security group show
help server add security group
host list server add volume
host show server create
hypervisor list server delete
hypervisor show server image create
hypervisor stats show server list
image create server lock
image delete server migrate
image list server pause
image save server reboot
image set server rebuild
image show server remove security group
ip fixed add server remove volume

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