Useradd in Linux – Not copying any file from skel directory into it
useradd: warning: the home directory already exists.
Not copying any file from skel directory into it.
If the directory didn’t exist , the Linux useradd process creates the directory and copies the skel files : .kshrc , .bashrc , .bash_profile and .bash_logout files into the user directory.
As a DBA it is not unusual to receive a server with directories already in place. In those situations a scripted approach is required to copy the skel files. A quick and dirty solution is to add the following line after the useradd sequence
cp -r /etc/skel/. /<user_home_directpory>
An example sequence could be :
groupadd skprod
useradd -m -s /bin/bash -g skprod -d /data/app/sit01 sit01
chown -R sit01:skprod /data/app/sit01
cp -r /etc/skel/. /data/app/-sit01
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