nstall MongoDB 3.4 process on yum under CentOS 7 system.
The first step to see if there is a MongoDB configuration yum source
Switch to the yum directory cd /etc/yum.repos.d/
View the file ls
The second part does not exist to add yum source
Create the file touch mongodb-3.4.repo
Edit this file vi mongodb-3.4.repo
Cat /etc/yum.repos.d/mongodb-3.4.repos
Name=MongoDB Repository
Baseurl=https://repo.mongodb.org/yum/ RedHat /$releasever/mongodb-org/3.4/x86_64/
You can modify gpgcheck=0 here to save gpg verification
Update all packages before installation: yum update (optional operation)
Then install: yum install -y mongodb-org
Check the mongo installation location whereis mongod
Check the modified configuration file: vi /etc/mongod.conf
Start mongod :systemctl start mongod.service
Stop mongod :systemctl stop mongod,service
External network access needs to shut down the firewall:
CentOS 7.0 uses firewall as the firewall by default, and it is changed to iptables firewall.
Close the firewall:
Systemctl stop firewalld.service #stop firewall
Systemctl disable firewalld.service #Disable firewall startup
Use mongodb : mongo
>use admin
>show dbs
>show collections
After restarting Mongodb, log in to the admin account and create a super-privileged user
Use admin
db.createUser({user:’root’,pwd:’root’,roles:[{ “role” : “root”, “db” : “admin” }]});
Fork=true ## allows programs to run in the background
#auth=true ## Start Authentication
Logpath=/data/db/mongodb/logs/mongodb.log logappend=true # Write log mode: set to true to append. The default is to override dbpath=/data/db/mongodb/data/ ## data storage directory
Pidfilepath=/data/db/mongodb/logs/mongodb.pid # Process ID. If not specified, there will be no PID file when starting. Default default.
#bind_ip= # Bind addresses. The default is You can only change the data directory storage mode by setting the local connection # to true. Each database file is stored in a different folder in the DBPATH specified directory. # With this option, MongoDB can be configured to store data on different disk devices to increase write throughput or disk capacity. The default is false. # suggest to configure sub-options from the beginning
Directoryperdb=true # Disable log # Enable the operation log for the journal to ensure write consistency and data consistency. Create a journal directory in the dbpath directory
Nojournal = true ##
Max connections # The maximum number of connections. Default: Depends on system (ie ulimit and file descriptor) restrictions. # MongoDB does not limit its own connection. When the setting is greater than the system limit, it is invalid and the system limit prevails. # Set the value of this value higher than the size of the connection pool and the total number of connections to prevent connections at peak times. # Note: This value cannot be set greater than 20000. maxConns=1024
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