This configuration allows you to: ssh logins between cluster servers. If you only want to ssh login from other machines (slave1, slave2) from a single machine (such as master), only follow the second step.
It is recommended to spend two or three minutes to read the full text and then follow the steps
1. Cluster environment: master, slave1, and slave2; operating system CentOS 7. For the convenience of the next description, in addition to the master, all other slaves collectively referred to as slaveX
The necessary IP-to-hostname mappings have been added to all servers’ /etc/hosts files, as follows. master slave1 slave2
2. Configuration allows slave to log in to slaveX without login.
Execute the following command on the master host. Can be a non-root user, I use Hadoop users. According to my test so far, which user to use to configure, and finally only through that user to achieve free login, other users still need a password to remote login.
2.1 cd ~ // Switch to user’s home directory
2.2 ls -al //Check whether there is a hidden path in the home directory is .ssh. If not, create one. Note that the permission to view the .ssh directory is 700 (drwx — —), if not, it is changed to 700.
2.3 cd.ssh //Enter into the .ssh directory
2.4 ssh-keygen-t rsa // Press the carriage return character continuously while executing the command;
???????????// This command will use rsa algorithm to generate private key id_rsa and public key id_rsa.pub in ~/.ssh directory
2.5 ssh-copy-id master //This command appends the contents of the generated public key file to the master’s authorized_keys file.
????????????/ / Note that before executing this command authorized_keys file may not exist, it does not matter, directly execute the command on the line, it will be automatically generated, of course, you can create one yourself; pay attention to authorized_keys file permissions to be 600;
????????????// In addition to the ssh-copy-id command, you can use cat id_rsa.pub >> authorized_keys to append the contents of the public key to the authorized_keys file. It is not OK to append the content to the copy_paste method.
????????????// After executing this step, you can log in to the master through the ssh master command. (Before this step, even if you log in yourself through ssh, you will need to manually enter the password every time.)
????????????//The contents of the authorized_keys file is a string starting with ssh-rsa, as shown below:
Note: The host name in the figure is inconsistent with the master and slaveX described in the article, but it does not affect the understanding of the content format in the authenticated_keys file.
2.6 ssh-copy-id slaveX // append master’s public key to slaveX’s authorized_keys file, then master can login to slaveX without secret
3. Configuration makes slaveX free to log in to other machines in the cluster
After the second step above, you can already log in to the master and slaveX on the master, but you can’t log on to other machines (master, slaveX) from slaveX. If you want slaveX to be like master, you can avoid it. To log in to other machines, you need to perform the same steps in step 2 on slaveX, that is, generate your own private key public key pair on slaveX, and then append it’s public key to the authorized_keys file of other machines.
To sum up, if you want to configure cluster servers to securely log in to each other, you can use the following two methods: (The essence of the two methods is the same, but the process steps are slightly different.)
Method one: One server is operated as in step 2 until all machines are configured;
Method 2: All machines, including master and slaveX, use the ssh-keygen -t rsa command to generate their own private key public key pairs, and then use the ssh-copy-id master command to append both the master and slaveX public keys to the master. In the authorized_keys file, when all the files are appended, the master’s authorized_keys file already contains the public key information of all the servers in the cluster (including the master and other slaves). It can be seen that all the machines in the cluster can log in without SSH. Master), it is a complete public key information file, then use the scp command to send the authorized_keys on the master sequentially to the ~/.ssh/ directory of each slave (scp command example: scp ~/.ssh/ Authorized_keys hadoop@node01:~/.ssh/). In this way, the entire cluster can be ssh-free login.
————————————————– ——————————
As for the next step, I saw this operation in an individual blog post when I searched for information on the Internet. I didn’t configure this when I operated it. I don’t know how it affects the result because I didn’t do this configuration and also made ssh. Free login is successful. If you must configure it, complete this configuration before performing step 2.
On each host in the cluster
Sudo vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Open the following options
RSAAuthentication yes //Allows authentication with RSA keys
PubkeyAuthentication yes //Allows authentication with public key
AuthorizedKeysFile.ssh/authorized_keys //The file of the public key saved by this machine (this is more important)
For the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file, the online query suggested: “Do not change the setting of the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file unless necessary. Because the default situation is usually the most stringent SSH protection, you don’t need to change him!
Nginx load balancing and configuration
1 Load Balancing Overview The
origin of load balancing is that when a server has a large amount of traffic per unit time, the server will be under great pressure. When it exceeds its own capacity, the server will crash. To avoid crashing the server. The user has a better experience, born load balancing to share the pressure of the server.
Load balancing is essentially implemented by the principle of reverse proxy, is a kind of technology that optimizes server resources and reasonably handles high concurrency, and can balance Server pressure to reduce user request wait time and ensure fault tolerance. Nginx is generally used as an efficient HTTP load balancing server to distribute traffic to multiple application servers to improve performance, scalability, and high availability.
Principle: Internal A large number of servers can be built on the network to form a server cluster. When users access the site, they first access the public network intermediate server. The intermediate server is assigned to the intranet server according to the algorithm and shares the pressure of the server. Therefore, each visit of the user will ensure the server. The pressure of each server in the cluster tends to balance, sharing server pressure and avoiding servers The collapse of the case.
The nginx reverse proxy implementation includes the following load balancing HTTP, HTTPS, FastCGI, uwsgi, SCGI, and memcached.
To configure HTTPS load balancing, simply use the protocol that begins with ‘http’.
When you want to set load balancing for FastCGI, uwsgi, SCGI, or memcached, use the fastcgi_pass, uwsgi_pass, scgi_pass, and memcached_pass commands, respectively.
2 Common Balancing Mechanisms of Load Balancing
1 round-robin: The requests are distributed to different servers in a polling manner. Each request is assigned to different back-end servers in chronological order. If the back-end server goes down, it is automatically removed to ensure normal service. .
Configuration 1:
upstream server_back {#nginx distribution service request
Configuration 2:
http {
upstream servergroup { # service group accepts requests, nginx polling distribution service requests
server srv1.demo.com;
server srv2.demo.com;
server srv3.demo.com;
server {
listen 80;
location / {
Proxy_pass http://servergroup; #All requests are proxied to servergroup service group
proxy_pass is followed by proxy server ip, can also be hostname, domain name, ip port mode
upstream set load balancing background server list
2 Weight load balancing: If no weight is configured, the load of each server is the same. When there is uneven server performance, weight polling is used. The weight parameter of the specified server is determined by load balancing. a part of. Heavy load is great.
Upstream server_back {
server weight=3;
server weight=7;
3 least-connected: The next request is allocated to the server with the least number of connections. When some requests take longer to respond, the least connections can more fairly control the load of application instances. Nginx forwards the request to the less loaded server.
Upstream servergroup {
server srv1.demo.com;
server srv2.demo.com;
server srv3.demo.com;
4 ip-hash: Client-based IP address. When load balancing occurs, each request is relocated to one of the server clusters. Users who have logged in to one server then relocate to another server and their login information is lost. This is obviously not appropriate. Use ip_hash to solve this problem. If the client has accessed a server, when the user accesses it again, the request will be automatically located to the server through a hash algorithm.
Each request is assigned according to the result of the IP hash, so the request is fixed to a certain back-end server, and it can also solve the session problem
upstream server group {
server srv1.demo.com;
server srv2.demo.com;
server srv3. Demo.com;
Attach an instance:
#user nobody;
worker_processes 4;
events {
# maximum number of concurrent
workers_connections 1024;
# The list of pending servers to be followed by the
upstream myserver{
# ip_hash instruction to bring the same user to the same server.
server fail_timeout=60s; tentative time after the failure of #max_fails 60s
# listening port
listen 80;
# root
location / /
# select which server list
proxy_pass http://myserver;
Max_fails allows the number of request failures to default to 1
fail_timeout=60s fail_timeout=60s timeout for failed timeouts
down indicates that the current server is not participating in the loadbackup. All nonbackup
machines will request backups when they are busy, so their stress will be lightest.
MariaDB is an open source relational database management system that is backwards compatible and replaces MySQL with binary. It was developed by some of MySQL’s original developers and many in the community. With the release of CentOS 7, MySQL was replaced by MariaDB as the default database system.
If for any reason you need to install MySQL, check out how to install MySQL on the CentOS 7 tutorial. If your application does not have any specific requirements, you should stick with MariaDB, the default database system in CentOS 7.
In this tutorial, we will show you how to install the latest version of MariaDB on CentOS 7 using the official MariaDB repository. The MariaDB server version provided in the default CentOS repository is version 5.5 and is not the latest stable version of MariaDB.
Install MariaDB
At the time of this writing, the latest version of MariaDB is version 10.3.
Create a repository file called MariaDB.repo and add the following:
# MariaDB 10.3 CentOS repository list – created 2018-05-27 07:02 UTC
# http://downloads.mariadb.org/mariadb/repositories/
name = MariaDB
baseurl = http://yum.mariadb.org/ 10.3/centos7-amd64
If you need to install any other version of MariaDB, generate a repository for your desired version of MariaDB on this page (https://downloads.mariadb.org/mariadb/repositories/).
We will use yum to install the MariaDB server and client packages, just like other CentOS packages, by typing the following command:
Sudo yum install MariaDB-server MariaDB-client
Yum may prompt you to import the MariaDB GPG key:
Retrieving key from https://yum.mariadb.org/RPM-GPG-KEY-MariaDB
Importing GPG key 0x1BB943DB:
Userid : “MariaDB Package Signing Key <package-signing-key@mariadb.org>”
Fingerprint: 1993 69e5 404b d5fc 7d2f e43b cbcb 082a 1bb9 43db
From : https://yum.mariadb.org/RPM-GPG-KEY-MariaDB
Type y and press Enter.
After the installation is complete, enable and start the MariaDB service:
Sudo systemctl enable mariadb
sudo systemctl start mariadb
Once the MySQL service starts, we can check its status by entering the following:
Sudo systemctl status mariadb
Sample output:
? mariadb.service – MariaDB 10.3.7 database server
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/mariadb.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
Drop-In: /etc/systemd/system/mariadb.service. d
Active: inactive (dead)
Docs: man:mysqld(8)
And print the MariaDB server version, which contains:
Mysql -V
Mysql Ver 15.1 Distrib 10.3.7-MariaDB, for Linux (x86_64) using readline 5.1
Protecting MariaDB security
Run the mysql_secure_installation command to improve MariaDB installation security:
Sudo mysql_secure_installation
The script prompts you to set the root password, remove the anonymous user, restrict the root user’s access to the local computer, and delete the test database. All steps are detailed and it is recommended to answer “yes” (yes) to all questions.
Connect to MariaDB from the command line
To connect to the MariaDB server through the terminal, we will use the MariaDB client.
You can log in to the MariaDB server as root by typing:
Mysql -u root -p
You will be prompted to enter the previously set root password when running the mysql_secure_installation script.
Once you enter the password, you will see the MariaDB shell as follows:
Welcome to the MariaDB monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MariaDB connection id is 8
Server version: 10.3.7-MariaDB MariaDB Server
Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle , MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.
Type ‘help;’ or ‘\h’ for help. Type ‘\c’ to clear the current input statement.
Using Apache with mod_proxy
Control File Access by IP in Apache 2.4
Denying access to wp-login.php for all but a set of whitelisted IP can be a good way of enhancing site security – provided that the client has a fixed IP address.
We typically add such access controls within a .htaccess file in the document root of a project, leaving login access for our own IP address and that of the site owner.
You might occasionally need to temporarily whitelist an additional IP address, but this is easy to do.
Restricting access by IP address is no substitute for a proper username/password policy – but it may be a useful additional layer, since would-be attackers don’t even get a chance to knock on the door.
Under Apache 2.2, you could use these directives within a .htaccess file:
# ==============================================================================
# Whitelisted IP access for wp-login.php
# ==============================================================================
<files wp-login.php>
order deny,allow
deny from all
# whitelist Your First IP address
allow from xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
# whitelist Your Second IP Address
allow from xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
# whitelist Your Third IP Address
allow from xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
# ==============================================================================
# Protect specified files from direct access
# ==============================================================================
<FilesMatch “^(wp-config\.php|php\.ini|php5\.ini|install\.php|php\.info|readme\.html|bb-config\.php|\.htaccess|\.htpasswd|readme\.txt|timthumb\.php|error_log|error\.log|PHP_errors\.log|\.svn)”>
Deny from all
Whilst the Allow, Order, and Deny directives still work in Apache 2.4, they are deprecated:
The Allow, Deny, and Order directives, provided by mod_access_compat, are deprecated and will go away in a future version. You should avoid using them, and avoid outdated tutorials recommending their use.
-Apache 2.4 Documentation
Unfortunately, there is not a lot of literature on how to properly set up such restrictions on Apache 2.4 – without relying on mod_access_compat.
Deny Access Completely
In Apache 2.2:
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
In Apache 2.4 this becomes:
Require all denied
Restrict Access by IP address: Comparison of Apache 2.2 and 2.4
Allow from a particular IP in Apache 2.2:
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
Allow from xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
Allow from a particular IP in Apache 2.4:
Require ip xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
TL;DR Restrict Access Apache 2.4
# ==============================================================================
# Restrict access to WordPress login page by IP
# See: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/core.html#files
# ==============================================================================
<Files “wp-login.php”>
Require ip
If you have full access to Apache config on your server, you can enable these directives for all virtual hosts by adding them to the Apache config file:
sudo nano /etc/apache2/conf-enabled/security.conf
Access Control by host and ip address in Apache 2.4
In this post we will learn about access control by host and ip address in Apache 2.4. The Apache 2.4 released with lots of new feature. While working on Apache 2.4 you will surely get attention on new format of access control. The method of using allow,deny or vice-versa is deprecated, it was old styled method before Apache 2.4 versions.
We do expect users have some experience on Apache webserver. Hence, we are directly jumping on ACL of apache 2.4 . We have used all the below given methods inside Apache Virtual Host.
In trailing post, we are going to use directive called RequireAll. So as per Apache 2.4 documentation, know what is RequireAll directive :
apache 2.4 RequireAll
Allow only particular IP Address or Host to access website in Apache 2.4
In this scenario we will allow only particular IP address or hosts to access the website. Rest of the world will not be able to access the website hosted on Apache 2.4 .
Note: Replace Directive value as per your server’s web data path.
<Directory “/var/www/html/website”>
Options All
AllowOverride All
Require all denied
## “Require ip” is used here for IP Address/CIDR/Network
Require ip
## “Require host” is used here for hostname/FQDN
Require host www.example.com server01
As per your requirement you can set ACL either on ip address or Host or both.
Alternatively for this same scenario you can write in below given format also. You should notice the written in below given example.
<Directory “/var/www/html/website”>
Options All
AllowOverride All
## “Require ip” is used here for IP Address/CIDR/Network
Require ip
## “Require host” is used here for hostname/FQDN
Require host www.example.com server01
Deny only particular IP Address or Host to access website in Apache 2.4
In this section, we will deny particular ip address/host to access the website. As mentioned in above section as same as according to your requirement you can set ACL either on ip address or Host or both. Check the directive section where we have applied the ACL.
Note: Replace Directive value as per your server’s web data path.
<Directory “/var/www/html/website”>
Options All
AllowOverride All
Require all granted
## “Require ip” is used here for IP Address/CIDR/Network
Require not ip
## “Require host” is used here for hostname/FQDN
Require not host www.example.com server01
Deny All to access website running on Apache 2.4
In this section, we will define Require all denied directly inside directive. This configuration will deny all to access the website.
Note: Replace Directive value as per your server’s web data path.
<Directory “/var/www/html/website”>
Options All
AllowOverride All
## “Require all denied” will deny all to access the website.
Require all denied
Allow All to access website running on Apache 2.4
In this section, we will define Require all granted directly inside directive. The below given configuration helps all to access the website.
Note: Replace Directive value as per your server’s web data path.
<Directory “/var/www/html/website”>
Options All
AllowOverride All
## “Require all granted” will allow all to access the website.
Require all granted
Restart apache service
After doing changes in apache config file, do not forget to restart the apache service.
### In Ubuntu/Debian/
sudo service apache2 restart
### In CentOS 7/RHEL 7
systemctl restart httpd
### In CentOS|RHEL 5.x,6x.
service httpd restart
Apache Forbidden Error Message
On denying the ip address/host from Apache 2.4. The user will get the “Forbidden” message. Given below is the image reference.
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName www.company.com
ProxyPreserveHost On
AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
RewriteRule (.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI}
<VirtualHost *:443>
ServerName www.company.com
ProxyRequests Off
SSLProxyEngine on
AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode
RequestHeader set X-Forwarded-Proto "https"
# Always use HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS)
Header always set Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=63072000; includeSubdo:mains; preload"
SSLEngine on
SSLCertificateFile /etc/httpd/ssl/com.crt
SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/httpd/ssl/com.key
SSLCertificateChainFile /etc/httpd/ssl/CA.crt
# Set a cookie so the client gets the same backend server each time
ProxyPass /balancer-manager !
ProxyPass / "balancer://mycluster/" nocanon
ProxyPassReverse / "balancer://mycluster/"
<Proxy balancer://mycluster/>
BalancerMember route=1
BalancerMember route=2
ProxySet stickysession=ROUTEID
<Location "/balancer-manager">
SetHandler balancer-manager
Require host localhost
Require ip
Require host 1982.168.1.10
Location and Place
Sooriyanar Temple is in East of Kumbakonam, Kumbakonam – Mayiladuthurai road. It is exactly 2Km to the north of Aduthurai and the temple is well connected from lower Anicut and Thiruppanandal.
All the Passengers have to alight at Thirumangalagudi Kaliamman Koil bus stop and walk for two for long north east to reach the temple.
This temple is in the banks of Cauvery in Thiruvidaimarudur Talulk which falls under Tanjore district known as Head Quarters of King Chola.
Rail Route : Piligrims have to get down at Aduthurai Railway Station and catch the bus bound for Lower Anicut to visit the temple.
Two kilometers north of Aaduthurai lies Suryanayanar Koil. It is situated on the road between Kumbakonam and Kadhiramangalam and 15 km to the east of Kumbakonam. There are two other holy places near Suryanar Koil – Thirumangalakudi and Kanjanur. Of the nine grahas, the primary position is given to Lord Surya which is why the first day of the week is said to be Sunday. The seven days of the week refer to the seven grahas, including the Sani Bhagawan.
Mode of Worship
Thirumangaladudi :
Sooriyanar Koil and Thirumanagalakudi are closely related. Navanayakars did their meditation and offered worship to pranavaradeshvarar and Mangalanayaki.
People who offer worship at Sooriyanar temple have to go to Thirumangaladudi to offer worship there. In early days both places were same and it was called ‘Argavamam’ before dividing. Both the temples have Erukan plant as ‘Thalavirukcha’
Thirumangalakudi Temple is a famous temple. Both Thirunavukkarasar and Thiruganasambandar had rendered songs of lord Siva. Mangalakudi, Mangala Vinayagar, Mangala Nayahar, MangalaNayaki and Mangala Theertham are five auspicious ones in Thirumangalakudi.
There is a marked difference of worshipping in this temple from other temples, one has to follow the custom of worshipping.
To offer worship at Sooriyanar Temple, one has to reach the Rajagopuram (Main Entrance) and more towards North where Pushkarani of temple is located. One can take bath in the tank or sprinkle holy water in the head as purification.
Next after the bath one has to offer prayers at the RajaGopuram before entering the temple. After entering the temple, one has to turn towards Southeren side where Koltheertha Vinayagar is placed. One has to do the Sankalpam and Archana as Hindus find Vinayagar as turnover of all obstacles.
After worshipping Vinayagar, one has to Climb steps to reach ‘Narthana Mandapam’ at Northern Side and then more towards ‘Sabanayakar Mandapam’ where one can offer prayers to ‘Urchava Moorthi’.
After Sabanayakar Mandapam one can reach ‘Main Mandapam’ and offer prayers to SriKasivisvanathar and Smt. Visalakshi.
Next to Main Mandapam, there is Maha Mandapam where Sannathi to Sun-God, there is Guru Bhavan(lord Jupitee) stands there. People do the Archana for Guru and offer prayers to lord Sun. One has to move South wards to come out of Sanctum to reach the lord Saturn (Sani). Lord Kuja, lord Mars are placed separately then more northwards to offer prayers to lord Moon and Kethu. Next movement would be towards west where lord Sukra and Raghu are placed. Finally one has to offer prayers to Sandikeswarar.
After finishing prayers at Sandikeswarar, one has to come clockwise to reach the vinayakar to give final prayers,After all the prayers are over, one would reach the ThothaSampatnam (flag post) and prostrate before it. Then nine rounds of the temple is a must. After nine rounds again one has to prostrate and mediatate on the nine planets for some times.
The eighth graha is Raaghu. Of the seven days in a week, 10 hours are reserved for Raaghu, i.e., one-and-a-half hours per day. This one-and-a-half hour is what we call as ‘Raaghu kalam’.
The ninth graha is called Kedhu. Like for Raaghu, the same amount of time is reserved for Kedhu also. These one-and-a-half hours is called ‘Yama kandam’.
Raaghu kalam and Yama kandam are believed to be inappropriate for performing auspicious deeds.
Lord Siva, pleased with their devotion absolved them of their sins and decried that there will be nine sannadhis for the navagrahas in the Suryanar temple (this is the only temple where all the navagrahas are present with separate sannadhis) and those who pray here will get relief from their problems.
Those who suffer the ill effects of Kalathara Dosham, Vivaha Paribandha Dosham, Puthra Dosham, Puthra Paribandha Dosham, Vidhya Paribandha Dosham, Udyoga Padhibandha Dosham, Surya dasai, Surya bukthi would benefit from worshipping at this temple. Father, Athma, physical strength, right eye, governmental largesse are the beneficial aspects of this planet.
If one bathes in the nine ghats in this place continuously for 12 Sundays, they will be saved from sufferings and blessed with a happy and peaceful life.
Sree Surya Puranam When the world came into existence, the first sound that reverberated was ‘Ohm’. Surya was born from this ‘Omkara naadham’. Sree Markandeya Puranam has explained this factor. Suryan was the son of Sage Kashyap and was the grandson of Sage Maarisi. Surya married Soorvarsala, the daughter of Viswakarma. Vaivasvatha Manu and Yamadharmarajan were his sons and Yamuna, his daughter. It should be mentioned here that the chariot of Surya has only one wheel. It is drawn by seven horses in seven colors. Lord Surya, who is the chief of the grahams, appears with a lotus in his divine hands. Surya Bhagawan blesses his devotees with good health, fame and efficient management.
The presiding deities are Puranavaradheeswarar and his consort Mangalanayaki. Surya is the Lord of Simma Rasi and occupies the central place amongst the navagrahas. The adidevatha is Agni, prathyutha Devatha – Rudran. His color is red and his vahana is a chariot drawn by seven horses. The grain associated with his is wheat; the flower – lotus, yerukku; fabric – red clothes; gem – ruby; food – wheat, rava, chakkara pongal.Suryanaar Koyil was built by the Chola kings.
Inscriptions from the period of Kulottunga Chola I (1075-1120) refer to this temple as the Kulottunga Chola Martanda Alayam. Kulottunga Chola is said to have had a good relationship with the Gahadwal dynasty of Kanauj (1090 – 1194), whose rulers were Sun worshippers, and hence Suryanar Koyil, is considered to be an expression of their influence in South India.
The temple the tower of the temple is 15.5 meter in height and consists of three tiers. At the top of the tower are five domes. To the north of the rajagopuram lies the sacred bathing ghat, called Surya Pushkarni. It is important to bathe in this ghat before offering worship at the temple. If not, one should at least sprinkle its water on one’s head.
Special features of the temple All the grahams face Surya Bhagawan in this temple. As soon as one enters the temple, there is a sacrificial platform (Bali peetam). To its east lies a mandap where one can see an idol of a horse. The Lord’s vehicle is the horse (vaahanam) which goes by the name ‘Saptha, meaning seven in Sanskrit. The one-wheeled chariot is drawn by seven horses.
According to Atharvana Veda, one who worships Surya Bhagawan will be relieved from diseases pertaining to the eyes and heart. This temple is open from 6 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. and 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. on all days.
Requirements for worshipping the Lord Flower – Senthamarai (Red Lotus)
Samith (sacrificial fuel ) – Erukku ( madar plant )
Dhaniyam (grain) – Wheat
Vasthram – Lotus red
Neivedhyam – Sakkarai pongal
Ratha Saptami in the Tamil month of Thai, and the first Sundays in the months of Aavani (Leo) and Kartikai(Scorpio) and Vijaya Dasami are celebrated in this temple.
Mantra for Sun – Aum hrim hrim suriyaye namah Aum
Temple Timings – 6 A.M. to 12.30 P.M. and 4 P.M. to 8 P.M.
Navagraha Temples in Tamil Nadu are a congregation of nine temples dedicated to Navagrahas – the nine celestial planets according to Hindu astronomy.
The ancient temples date back to the Chola dynasty near Kumbakonam and are among the best temples in Tamil Nadu.In this blog we take you through the journey of Navagraha Temple Tour in Tamilnadu.
Navagraha Temple Tour
” History of Navagraha Temples”
Legends have it that once Sage Kalava, who had leprosy, was suffering from serious ailment and prayed to the Navagrahas for healing. The nine celestial planets were pleased by his dedication and cured the sage from his pain. This angered Brahma, the God of Creation, as he felt that the Navagrahas do not have the power to provide boon to human beings. He, therefore, cursed that the nine planets would suffer from leprosy and were sent to earth in the white wild flower jungle, Vellurukku Vanam.
The Navagrahas prayed to Lord Shiva to relieve them from Brahma’s curse. Lord Shiva said that Vellurukku Vanam belonged to them and the planets would have to grace the devotees who worship them from the place. Each temple is situated in a different village, and is considered the abode of the Navagrahas. Most of the temples are dedicated to Lord Shiva as their primary deity. However, the Surya Temple is dedicated to the Sun God and other Navagrahas.
Navagraha Temples
Suriyanar Koil
Suriyanar Koil is an ancient Hindu shrine and one of the Navagraha temples in Tamil Nadu. It was built during 1100 A.D. by Chola king Kulothunga I and is dedicated to Lord Suriyan, or the Sun. Suriyan here presides with his consorts Pratyusha Devi and Usha Devi. It also has separate shrines for the other eight planetary gods as per Hindu astronomy. The temple is built in Dravidian architectural style and has 5-tiered rajagopuram, a gateway tower and a granite wall that encloses all the shrines of the temple. Pongal is celebrated with immense fervour and pomp, and is regarded as Thanks Giving to Lord Suriyan.The Navagraha Temple Tour from Kumbakonam includes a visit to Suriyanar Koil Temple.
Thingalur Kailasanthar Temple The Kailasanthar Temple is one of the Navagraha Temples in Tamil Nadu, located in Thingalur, 18 km. from Kumbakonam. The temple is dedicated to Lord Chandra, or the Moon God, the second planet of the Navagrahas. A striking feature of the temple is that it is also a Shiva Sthalam and Lord Kailasanthar (Shiva) and his consort Goddess Periyanakiamman are the primary deities worshipped here. Legends have it that Lord Chandra worshipped Shiva to relieve him from Brahma’s curse and gained his blessings. Thus, it is believed that those who have Chandra Dosha can get relief from their pain and suffering by offering prayers at this temple, which is a part of the Navagraha Temple Tour Package.
- Vaitheeswaran Koil
Vaitheeswaran Koil or Pullirukkuvelur Temple is one of the nine Navagraha temples in Tamil Nadu and is associated with planet Mars or Angaraka or Kuja or Sevvai, one of the Navagrahas. Like most other Navagraha temples, the main deity here is Lord Shiva as Vaidyanathaswamy and Goddess Parvati as Thaiyalnaayaki. Shiva is worshipped as Vaitheeswaran in this temple which means “Lord Doctor” who has the cure for all ailments in the world. The shrine also has a bronze image of Angaraka or Mangal (Planet Mars) and is worshipped with immense devotion to seek healing from illness. The image is taken out in a procession every Tuesday as it is considered an auspicious day to worship Mangal.A visit to this temple is also a part of the Navagraha Temple Tour Itinerary.
4. Thiruvenkadu
Swetharanyeswarar Temple at Thiruvenkadu is the 4th Navagraha Sthalam in Tamil Nadu and is the abode of Lord Budhan or planet Mercury. The presiding deity is Lord Shiva as Swetharanyeswarar and Goddess Parvati as Brahma Vidya Nayaki Ambal. There is also a separate sanctorum for Lord Budhan, who bestowes wealth and wisdom. The unique incarnate of Lord Shiva in the form of Agora Murthi is one of the primary attractions of this temple. The Chariot Festival is one of the most special occasions celebrated in the temple.
Alangudi or Apatsahayesvarar Temple or Guru Sthalam or Tiru Irum Poolai is a Hindu temple dedicated to Brihaspati, or the planet Jupiter or Guru. Like most other Navagrahas in Tamil Nadu, the main deity in the temple is Lord Shiva in the form of Aranyeswara or Apatsahayesvarar and is accompanied by his consort, Umai Ammai. It is regarded as Guru Sthalam and is one of the 275 Paadal Petra Sthalams where Campantar, one of the four most regarded Saivite saints have sung the glories of this temple. The temple is located on the south of the River Cauvery. Lord Brihaspati is revered for his excellence in wisdom, fine arts and education.
6. Kanjanoor
The Kanjanoor Agneeswarar Temple is one of the Navagraha Temples in Tamil Nadu and is dedicated to Lord Sukran or planet Venus. Lord Sukran is believed to resolve problems related to love, marriage, comforts and beauty, and is worshipped by men for the wellbeing of their wives. Again, Lord Shiva as Agneeswarar is the main deity at Sukran Navagraha Sthalam as it is believed that Lord Agni had worshipped Shiva here. There are several other deities who are worshipped here besides Lord Sukran. Beautiful inscriptions from the Vijayanagar and Chola period and stone images of Sivakami and Natarajar can be seen here.
Darbaranyeswarar Temple or Thirunallar Temple is dedicated to Lord Shani or planet Saturn, located in Thirunallar in Karaikal district of Pondicherry. The presiding deity is Lord Shiva as Darbaranyeswarar and is believed to be made of dharba grass. Lord Shani or Saniswarar is also worshipped here and is treated as the door keeper of the temple. The tradition is to worship Lord Saniswarar before entering the main sanctum of Lord Shiva. According to myths, King Nala was once affected with innumerable problems due the adverse effects of Saniswarar or due to Shani Dosh as it is said. The king took a holy dip at Nala Theertham, a water tank in the temple, and got relieved of all evil effects.
8. Thirunageswaram
Sri Naganathaswamy Temple in Thirunageswaram is one of the popular Navagraha temples in Tamil Nadu and is associated with Lord Rahu. Lord Naganathaswamy (Lord Shiva) and his consort Giri Gujambika are the main deities of worship in this temple, and are enshrined with Goddess Saraswati and Goddess Lakshmi. Lord Rahu is also seen with his consorts Nagakanni and Nagavalli. According to Hindu mythology, serpents Adi Sesha, Kaarkotakan and Dakshan worshipped Lord Shiva here, and therefore, the temple attracts devotees who want to get relieved of Naga Dosha. One of the uniqe features of the temple is that Lord Rahu is seen with a human face, while in other temples, he is worshipped with a serpent face. Another striking aspect is that during milk abhishekam, when the milk is poured over the idol of Lord Rahu, it turns blue and is clearly visible.
9. Keezhperumpalam
The Naganatha Swamy Temple in the village of Keezhperumpalam is dedicated to Ketu, the shadow planet, and therefore, is also known as Ketu Sthalam. However, the primary deity is Naganatha Swamy or Lord Shiva. In this shrine, Lord Ketu is seen with head of a snake and body of an asura. He appears in divine form, his head as five-headed snake and with folded hands worshipping Lord Shiva. Rahu and Ketu are associated with the legend of the serpent that helped Shiva to churn the Milky Ocean.
Some of the devotees who are short of time so Navagraha Temple Tour in 1 Day or Navagraha Temple Tour in 2 Days.However, we at Waytoindia.com suggest you to spare at least 4 Nights & 5 Days to undertake Navagraha Temple Tour.
Approximate distances to navagraha temples from Kumbakonam
Kumbakonam to Suriyanar Koil – 15 Km
Kumbakonam to Thingalloor – 30Km
Kumbakonam to Vaitheswaran Kovil – 49Km
Kumbakonam to Thiruvenkadu – 60Km
Kumbakonam to Alangudi – 17Km
Kumbakonam to Kanchanoor – 20Km
Kumbakonam to Thirunallaru – 48Km
Kumbakonam to Thirunageswaram – 5Km
Kumbakonam to Keezhaperumpallam – 59Km
Suryan (The Sun) – Suriyanar Koil
3 Kms. from Aduthurai which is on the
Kumbakonam- Mayiladuthurai Road
Chandran( The Moon) – Thingaloor
1.5 Kms from Thirupayhanam which is on the Kumbakonam-Thiruvayyaru Road
Angaraka( Sevvai ) The Mars Vaitheeswarankoil
4 Kms. from Mayiladuthurai on the Chidambaram Road
Budan( The mercury) – Trivenkadu
10 Kms. SouthEast of Sirkali
Guru( The Vyazhan-Jupiter) – Alangudi
About 15 Kms from Kumbakonam
on the way to NeedaMangalam
Sukran(Velli-The Venus)
– Kanjanoor
An interior village on the
Mayiladuthurai – Kathiramangalam Road
Sani( The Saturn) – Thirunallar
On the way to Peralam- Karaikkal. 5 Kms from karaikkal
Raghu – Thirunageswaram
About 7 Kms from Kumbakonam-Karaikkal Road
Kethu– Keezhaperumpallam
Near PoomPuhar Mayiladuthurai-Poompuhar road
Thalaviruthcam – Bambo |
History: |
Keezhaperumpallam is one of the nine Navagraha sthalas located in the Cauvery Delta region dedicated to shadow planet Ketu.Both the Devas and Asuras wanted to get Amirtham from the Pargadal(Milk Ocean).Thirumal as in the shape of Mohini was distributing Amirtham to the Devas. At that time Swarvabanu took divine shape sitting between the sun and moon received the Amirtham and ate it. This was informed to Mohini by the sun and moon. Mohini was keeping a long sppon in her hand and she hit the Asuras head heavily. The Asuras head and the body were separated.The head part goes to Lord kethu. The devotees may get certain defects caused by Kethu as Nagathosam, Kethu thosam Marriage thosam, children thosam, snake thosam, defects of the former birth are redressed when they pray here.He is a fearless planet doing all good for the devotees belonging to his Rasi. People pray to planet Kethu for excellence in education and family prosperity.Those facing some adverse aspects of this planet, pray first to Lord Naganatha and Kethu with red flowers, offering horsegram rice – Kollu sadham – as nivedhana and light seven deepas.Pujas are performed to planet Kethu at Rahukalas and Yemakanda Kala times. |
Festivals: |
Shivrathri in February-March; Aipasi Annabishekam in October-November and Panguni Vasuki Utsav in March-April are the festivals celebrated in the temple. |
Temple Timing : |
The temple is open from 6.00 am to 12.00pm and from 4.30 pm to 8.30 pm and every Raghu Kalam and Emakandam the temple is open. |
Travel Information : |
This place is 2 km south of Dharmankulam, which is on Mayiladuthurai (20 km) to Poompukar(5 km) Bus Route.it can be reached from Sirkazhi (20 km) also. |
Temple Address
Executive Officer,
Arulmigu Naganathaswamy Temple,
Sri Kedhu Sthalam, Keezhapperumpallam,
Vaanagiri Post, Tharangampadi (T.K.),
Nagai District – 609 105. |
Arulmigu Girigujambika Sametha (Udanurai) Naganatha Swamy Temple Thirunageshwaram (Raaghu Kshetra) |
Raghu(North Lunar Node) |
Main Deity – Naganathaswamy
Goddess- Girigujambika, Pirayaniamman
Theertham – Sula theertham(Suriya pushkarini)
Thirunageshwaram is one of the 127 temples on the southern banks of river Cauvery. It is one of the Panchakrosa Sthalas.The presiding Deity is Arulmigu Giri Gujambika Sametha Naganathaswamy.The Raaghu Sannathi ( Nagaraja Shrine)is on the South-West direction of the second prakara.Raaghu,the Naga (Serpent) King worshipped the Lord Siva,hence this place is named ‘Thirunageshwaram’.Further Raaghu had received a boon from Siva for bestowing grace and prosperity to those who worship Him with devotion.He took His abode as God with His two consorts. There is another shrine for Amman,where Devi is seen in three forms as Lakshmi(godess of wealth),Girigujaambaal (sakthi),and Saraswathi(godess of knowledge).As per the Sthalapuranam,there are two Shrines(Sannidhis) for the Presiding Deity(Moorthi)at this sthala,the colour of milk changes from white to blue during Abhishekam. On 16.2.86, a snake had shed off its outer skin on Rahu Bhagavan, which is preserved and worshipped to date. People having Ragu dosha come here during Rahu kalam and perform Abishekas.The Jothisha Sastra (Astrololgy) states that if Raaghu is in good position in one’s horoscope He will bestow all prosperity (including Raja Yoga ) to him and that person becomes a Kubera.If he is not in a good position and guilty ( Dhosha ) a person gets worst results and his life will be miserable. Therefore one should satisfy Raaghu (one of the 9 planets) by worshipping Him. One’s marriage will be delayed if Raaghu is in the 7 th place in a horoscope.If he is in the 5 th place, the Jaathaka (person) will not beget a child. In order to nullify Kalasthra dhosha, Naga dhosa and Putra dhosha one should worship Raaghu. People afflicted with Nagadhosa should perform oblations.
Thirugana Sambandar,Thiru navukarasu Nayanar,ThiruSundramoorthi Nayanar, and Arunagiri Swamigal have praised the glory of the Lord.The Thirunagechurappuranam which was written by Singaravelu pillai contains sufficient information about the temple.The Chola King Kandaraathithya (950AD-957AD) changed it into a granite edifice.The inner Mantapa was built by Seikkizhar, as it was a favourite place to him.Govinda Dikshitar (17 th century A.D.) a minister to Acchuthappa nayak, constructed the outer mantapa. Sambumali,a King built the beautiful Surya Puskarani beautifully. The roof and other renovation work were done by Arimalazham Annamalai Chettiar. Gnaniyar Swamigal, the great saiva scholar, who was the pontiff at the Mutt at Thiruppapuliyur, was born here.
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