August 2012


August 2012

SSL redirect on EC2 instance behind SSL terminating load balancer

I’m trying to redirect all url’s to https in a web application.

I have an ec2 instance behind an elastic load balancer. SSL is terminated on the load balancer.

Any attempts at redirection end up giving me the familiar ‘this page is requesting in a way which will never complete’.

The load balancer forwards […]

Tuning Apache + Tomcat

ATG: Tuning Apache + Tomcat

I did some tuning on Apache which vastly decreased response times.

The tests show increase vast decrease in response. (see table below) which is due to the following improvements made effective by the tuning (Increased maxclients, KeepAlive on. KeepAliveTimeout etc):

1) Reusable connections to handle multiple requests from the same […]

JBoss Performance Tuning

The first thing that we need to do as a part of this exercise is to identify the parameters that we have to work upon. Below is a list of different things that we can look upon before actually going into the tuning part.

JVM Settingsa) JAVA HEAP SIZEb) PERM GEN SPACEc) Parallel GC? (Good […]

Integrating Cached Content with Apache and JBoss

One of my clients is a large e-commerce company (>$500MMin annual revenuse through their website). They use Akamai for caching some of their image data, but some of the other images are served off of their server. They are trying to minimize the load on their JBoss instances and wanted to have Apache serve the […]

centos under tomcat and apache integration

First need to install apache, installation steps, see its official website, and then install apache jk module

1.1. Wget Tar-xzvf tomcat-connectors-1.2.31-src.tar.gz1.3. Cd tomcat-connectors-1.2.31-src/native1.4 .. / configure – with-apxs = / usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs # / usr/local/apache2 / your apache installation directory1.5. MakeThe 1.6. Cp apache-2.0/ / usr/local/apache2/modules/, and then restart apache1.7 into the apache installation directory, […]

Multi-Site Dynamic Apache Configurations

In a continuing effort to make my hosting cloud more dynamic, I have had to become relatively creative with my Apache configurations so that my farm can remain relatively flexible with little or no reconfiguration on newly introduced servers. This presents a big problem when working with a multi-site Apache configuration, and an even bigger […]

JBoss load-balanced cluster

I spent a little bit of time getting a JBoss cluster running on my development machine and then configuring a Apache 2.2.17 server to load balance between the 2 node cluster. Here is how I did it.

I had to enable the following modules on Apache:

LoadModule proxy_module modules/ LoadModule proxy_ajp_module modules/ LoadModule […]

integration apache and jboss

First configure apache conf directory establish mod_jk.conf file, which reads as follows:

LoadModule jk_module modules / mod_jk.soThe Xml code Favorites code

JkWorkersFile / usr/local/apache2/conf/ JkLogFile logs / mod_jk.log # Set the jk log level [debug / error / info] JkLogLevel info # Select the log format JkLogStampFormat “[% a% b% d% H:% […]

Static page on apache using tomcat

he apache main job of the partial pressure, static page as apache on processing, servlets, jsp page ajp13 protocol gave tomcat, tomcat to handle.

# Tar xzvf jakarta-tomcat-connectors-jk-1.2.6-src.tar.tar

# Cd jakarta-tomcat-connectors-jk-1.2.6-src/jk/native

#. / Configure – with-apxs = / usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs

# Make

# Cp ./apache-2.0/ / usr/local/apache2/modules /


the will generate jk / […]