April 2024


April 2024

Hardening Solaris with Jass

1. Preparation

  • Keep things simple: it is expected that only one or two services will run on a host. Use several machines, rather than one superserver that does everything. It’s easier to isolate applications, harden, troubleshoot and upgrade hw/sw. Be minimalist, only run what is absolutely necessary.
  • Hardware: Consider installation via the serial port console, get rid of the keyboard, screen and framebuffer. i.e. avoid using X11 and get to know the command line. Have an isolated, trusted network available for testing.
  • Downloading securely: Hopefully the installation is on an isolated or non-routed private network, in this case you can ftp to the new box (as root), or ftp from the new box (via the console) to a server on this net. If you don’t have an isolated network (not advisable), then change the root password to something easy, download the files and change the password again, shutdown the network interface immediately. This reduces the window of opportunity for potential attackers. Alternatively, setup a non-privileged account with /var/tmp as it’s home and use to exchange files (Solaris 8 blocks ftpd for root by default, with the ‘root’ entry in /etc/ftpusers).
  • Know exactly what the system is supposed to do, what it’s hardware configuration will be etc. Hardening is generic and may break certain functions. e.g. CDE/OpenWindows, Disksuite, Oracle and Legato Networker need RPC to run (depending on how you use them) but you really don’t want RPC running on a firewall host, see the notes on RPC.
  • It’s important to understand how the applications work (how they use ports, devices, files), to judge what hardening is possible and to assess the risk posed.

2. Initial OS installation

We assume that a “manual”, as opposed to automated Jumpstart installation is used.

Connect the serial console, switch on, halt to the OK prompt by sending a Stop-A (~#, ~%b, or F5 depending on whether you use tip, cu or a vt100 terminal), then start the installation procedure:  boot cdrom – install .
Note: On Solaris 8, make sure your use “Software CD#1” and not the “Installation CD”.

Install the end user bundle (or even better only the core packages which take only 110MB), set hostname, terminal, IP parameters, timezone, etc. Don’t enable any naming services like NIS or NFS. Don’t enable power management, or mount any remote file systems (NFS).

C-shell fans:If you use the C-Shell, the following will make command-line editing easier and enable history functions:csh;
setenv TERM vt100;
setenv VISUAL vi;
setenv EDITOR vi;
set filec;
set history=40;
alias h history;
alias ls ‘ls -aF \!*’;

Note: On Solaris 8, the user bundle can be customised via “F4”, packages can be added or removed.

Choose manual disk partitioning:

  • Consider a separate, large /var filesystem for syslog/web/news/proxy servers or firewall filters. Servers containing lots of data (web, ftp) should use a separate disk for their data.
  • Consider keeping /usr and /opt separate from root, so that they can be later mounted read-only (see below).  If you don’t wish to mount partitions read-only, then consider putting the whole boot disk under root.
  • If your intend using Sun’s Disksuite for RAID/Mirroring, reserve a 5MB slice. Two free partitions are needed for the Veritas Volume manager.
  • Some partitioning examples:
    • 2GB disk, no local logging or /var activity, lots of programs expected in /opt (also put /usr/local in /opt/local):
      200MB / (root+var), 200MB swap,  400MB /usr, 1.2GB on /opt
    • 2GB disk, all programs together to maximise space but preserve a separate partition for /var so logs can’t fill the root file system:
      1.6GB / (root+usr+opt), 200MB swap,  200MB /var
    • 1GB disk, no local logging or /var activity, lots of programs expected:
      300MB / (root+var+opt), 200MB swap,  500MB /usr
    • 1GB disk, maximize space, preserve a separate partition for /var
      700MB / (root+usr+opt), 200MB swap,  100MB /var
    • 9GB disk on a server:
      200MB /, 500MB swap, 2GB /usr, 5GB /opt, 1GB /var


Set a strong password (7 or 8 chars with numbers, letters and punctuation) for root.

The installation is documented in /var/sadm/install_data/install_log

Next, we install man pages not included in the User Bundle and the recommended patches.

Package notes:
“core” bundle users may wish to add other useful packages now, for example:
Terminfo: SUNWter
Accounting: SUNWaccr SUNWaccu
NTP: SUNWntpr SUNWntpu
UCB tools: SUNWscpu
Man pages tools: SUNWlibC SUNWdocShowrev: SUNWadmfw SUNWadmcThe user bundle needs extra packages for compiling: SUNWarcx SUNWarc SUNWbtoox SUNWbtool SUNWbtoox SUNWdplx SUNWsprox SUNWhea SUNWlibm SUNWdfbh SUNWcg6h SUNWscpux

For Sunscreen 3.1: SUNWeuluf SUNWsprot SUNWmfrun
For Sunscreen 3.2: SUNWeulux SUNWapchr SUNWapchu SUNWeu8os SUNWeu8osx SUNWeu8ox

No man pages are installed with the user bundle, so install them while the Solaris CD is still mounted. Note: if you only installed the core bundle, SUNWlibc is needed for viewing the man pages (which needs sgml2roff), so add this package as well if needed (it is on CD#1 on Solaris8).

cd /cdrom/cdrom0/s0/Solaris_2.6/Product;
pkgadd -d . SUNWman SUNWdtma SUNWjvman SUNWpmowm SUNWolman SUNWxwman

cd /cdrom/cdrom0/s0/Solaris_2.7/Product;
pkgadd -d . SUNWman SUNWdtmaz SUNWdtma SUNWjvman SUNWpmowm SUNWxwman

On Solaris 8, insert CD#2. To save space, the man pages could be limited to the standard ones and java:cd /cdrom/cdrom0/Solaris_*/Product;
pkgadd -d . SUNWman SUNWjvman SUNWj2man

While we’re here, we’ll install compression tools-

zlib (for OpenSSH) and bash/tcsh (because they are nice shells :).
pkgadd -d . SUNWgzip SUNWbash SUNWbzip SUNWtcsh SUNWzlib

Update indices, so that “man -k keyword” will allow searching of relevant man pages:

/usr/lib/makewhatis /usr/man;
/usr/lib/makewhatis /usr/openwin/man;


If you’re impatient to learn about patch management tools for existing hosts, jump to the Patches section.

Download and install the latest recommended and security patch bundle from Sun:

Solaris URL
2.6 SPARC ftp://sunsolve.sun.com/pub/patches/2.6_Recommended.tar.Z
7 SPARC ftp://sunsolve.sun.com/pub/patches/7_Recommended.zip
7 Intel ftp://sunsolve.sun.com/pub/patches/7_x86_Recommended.zip
8 SPARC ftp://sunsolve.sun.com/pub/patches/8_Recommended.zip
8 Intel ftp://sunsolve.sun.com/pub/patches/8_x86_Recommended.zip
9 SPARC ftp://sunsolve.sun.com/pub/patches/9_Recommended.zip



These files can be many tens of megabytes, since they cover all Solaris packages, not just those relevant to your installation. The uncompressed versions can run to over 150MB.

  • Have a quick read of the CLUSTER_README file.
  • Save a log of what patches are installed already and unzip patches:
    Core install notes:If the system was only installed with the “core” bundle, showrev will not be available (it requires the package SUNWadmfw). In this case, on Solaris 7 and later use patchadd -p.Patchadd on Solaris 7 needs a little tweak to work with core only packages though:cd /usr/sbin;
    mv patchadd patchadd-orig;
    sed s/\\/xpg4// patchadd-orig > patchadd;
    chown root:bin patchadd;
    chmod 555 patchadd;

    cd /opt/install;
    showrev -p > patches.before;
    unzip -q *Recommended.zip;

  • When the bundled is unzipped, it creates a subdirectory. To install all the patches in one go, change to the subdirectory and run the install script, with either of the following methods:

a) On a new system where de-installation is unlikely to be necessary, install without being able to remove patches. This will save lots of disk space:
cd *Recommended;
./install_cluster -nosave;

b) Installation on an existing system, or where de-installation of the patches must be possible if the patch cluster messes things up (this will take more disk space as copies are saved in /var/sadm/patch). Patches can only be individually de-installed, there is not “deinstall_cluster” functionality.
cd *Recommended;

  • Some patches installations may give warnings/errors:
    • “return code 8” means that the patch in question cannot be applied because the relevant Solaris modules are not installed. This error can be ignored.
    • “return code 2” indicates patches are already installed. This error can be ignored.
    • “return code 25” means a patches requires another patch that is not yet installed. Try re-installing the bundle when finished, it may be a problem with the order of the installation of patches.
    • Other errors should be investigated. Check the patch installation log:
      more /var/sadm/install_data/Solaris_*Recommended_log
  • Check to see what patches were actually installed:cd ..;
    showrev -p > patches.after;
    diff patches.after patches.before;

Reboot and logon again as root.

Note: patches will be checked and updated again, in more detail, in the Patch section below.

3. Install Jass

See the section Jass Overview for an overview of this tool. This section has been tested with Jass v0.30 and v0.31.

First: Record a log of all command actions/taken in the this section, by running:

script -a /jassinstall.log
which will keep a log of all commands and results in jassinstall.log. This may be useful for browsing through later.

Download SUNWjass-0.3.5.pkg [1] to the target, e.g. to /opt/install.

Shutdown the network interface during this next phase, just in case (the interface name depends on the architecture e.g. le0 on old SPARCs):

ifconfig hme0 down

Install the Jass package, no actual hardening is done at this stage. An example log of the output is at [1]

pkgadd SUNWjass-0.3.5.pkg

Next we tune some Jass configuration settings

a) /opt/SUNWjass/Drivers/user.init is created with some custom settings, to tailor behaviour for this system. First copy /opt/SUNWjass/Drivers/user.init.SAMPLE to  /opt/SUNWjass/Drivers/user.init and add the following to the bottom:

# user.init
# sb, 02.Oct.01
## v0.3.1
## Don’t save files replaced by patches:

b) I don’t wish to enable BSM auditing or have process accounting, so comment out the lines “enable-bsm.fin” and “enable-process-accounting.fin” in Drivers/hardening.driver and Drivers/undoable-hardening.driver (jass v0.31).

d) If you didn’t install the latest recommended patches above, Jass will do it for you, if you extract them into the ‘Patches’ directory. For example the Solaris 8 recommended bundles would be extracted into Patches/8_Recommended.

e) Jass with run Casper Dik’s Fix-modes to tighten up file permissions, if you download FixModes.tar.Z from the Jass site to /opt/SUNWjass/Packages. I recommend you do this.

Then we run Jass to do the actual hardening for standalone use:

/opt/SUNWjass/jass-execute -d hardening.driver

Reboot, check processes

Switch off the scripting, remove the install directory if desired.

# exit
Script done, file is /jassinstall.log

Now reboot for the changes to have effect:

# reboot

Check for error messages on the console, fix if necessary.  Login as root and check the process list, it should be something like the following example for Solaris 8:

# ps -ef
root 0 0 3 17:05:33 ? 0:17 sched
root 1 0 0 17:05:33 ? 0:00 /etc/init -
root 2 0 0 17:05:33 ? 0:00 pageout
root 3 0 0 17:05:33 ? 0:00 fsflush
root 258 1 0 17:06:11 ? 0:00 /usr/lib/saf/sac -t 300
root 261 258 0 17:06:12 ? 0:00 /usr/lib/saf/ttymon
root 129 1 0 17:06:07 ? 0:00 /usr/sbin/in.routed -q
root 46 1 0 17:05:42 ? 0:00 /usr/lib/sysevent/syseventd
root 239 1 0 17:06:10 ? 0:00 /usr/lib/sendmail -q15m
root 218 1 0 17:06:08 ? 0:00 /usr/sbin/inetd -s -t
root 226 1 0 17:06:09 ? 0:00 /usr/sbin/syslogd -t
root 247 1 0 17:06:10 ? 0:00 /usr/sbin/vold
root 233 1 0 17:06:09 ? 0:00 /usr/sbin/cron
root 242 1 0 17:06:10 ? 0:00 /usr/sbin/nscd
root 251 1 0 17:06:11 ? 0:00 /usr/lib/utmpd

  • Although inetd is running, no services are available in inetd.conf.
  • Sendmail is left running is Queue mode (will deliver but not accept remote emails), which is fine.
  • The routing daemon is left running in “quiet mode”, if more that one interface is present.
  • The following daemons are left running because they’re not considered risky. Personally, I would prefer to stop every daemon that is not strictly necessary.
    root 43 1 0 10:17:59 ? 0:00 /usr/lib/devfsadm/devfseventd
    root 45 1 0 10:18:00 ? 0:00 /usr/lib/devfsadm/devfsadmd
    root 46 1 0 17:05:42 ? 0:00 /usr/lib/sysevent/syseventd
    root 247 1 0 17:06:10 ? 0:00 /usr/sbin/vold
    root 242 1 0 17:06:10 ? 0:00 /usr/sbin/nscd
    root 251 1 0 17:06:11 ? 0:00 /usr/lib/utmpd

netstat -a shows only SSH listening (if you have SSH installed).

If at this stage, you’re convinced that you really will run Jass on your system, first read through the Jass Tips section. The following sections go through further configuration issues to complement the Jass settings.

SSH note:SSH is a good thing, essential for every UNIX box. There are several SSH variants (see the SSH section).


TBD: need to write a note about Jass + jumpstart and what follows later on.



4. Mounting file systems restrictively in /etc/vfstab

Several options can be set to improve the security and robustness of filesystems when they are mounted. Run the mount command to check that filesystems options are effective.

Mount option OS Description When to use it
nosuid 2.x Disables SUID programs, but also disables devices! /var or /home or data disks where no SUID programs, or devices (and hence chroot environments are used).
/tmp won’t work either, unless it is on disk.
logging 2.7 or later keeps a transaction log within the mounted partition. The advantage is an almost instantaneous filesystem check – which may take a considerable while with larger hard-disks, e.g. 50 GB. The disadvantage is the additional time spent writing the transaction log. /usr /opt /homeRecommended for all file systems except: root (if Veritas VxVM is used), or where file write performance is critical.
noatime 2.7 or later allows mounting file systems without updating inodes at each access to any file. This will significantly speed up services like web caches or news servers, which do a lot of file IO with small files.BUT, it make forensics more difficult in case of an intrusion, since access times are not recorded. /var or any partition where lots of file access are expected (web cache or news partitions).
size=200m 2.5.1 or later Allow /tmp to only use 200MB of swap space. The value could be set to say 30% of swap space. /tmp
ro 2.x Read-onlyMounting filesystems read-only provides only a limited protection against Trojans/attackers (if they get root, they can remount read-write).It may save time fsck’ing when booting, can improve performance (access times don’t need to be updated) and can prevent the sysadmin from making mistakes or help detecting mistakes (accidentally deleting files etc.). Mounting read-only is a major argument for maintaining separate file systems for /usr or /opt.Note that to mount /usr read-only, /usr/local often needs to be on a different partition.



Be very careful when editing vfstab, e.g. an error on the / or /usr lines can render the system unbootable! If this happens, boot from cdrom in single user mode, mount the problem disk, correct vfstab and reboot. Some examples of vfstab entries are:

A simple server with only a root and /var partition, running Solaris 2.8:

fd                -                  /dev/fd fd - no -
/proc             -                  /proc proc - no -
/dev/dsk/c0t3d0s1 -                  -    swap  - no  logging
/dev/dsk/c0t3d0s0 /dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s0 /    ufs   1 no  logging
/dev/dsk/c0t3d0s7 /dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s7 /var ufs   1 no  logging,nosuid,noatime
swap              -                  /tmp tmpfs - yes size=100m

and on a larger server:

fd                -                  /dev/fd fd - no -
/proc             -                  /proc proc - no -
swap              -                  /tmp tmpfs - yes size=200m 
/dev/dsk/c0t8d0s0 /dev/rdsk/c0t8d0s0 /    ufs   1 no  logging
/dev/dsk/c0t8d0s1 -                  -    swap  - no  -
/dev/dsk/c0t8d0s4 /dev/rdsk/c0t8d0s4 /usr ufs   1 no  logging
/dev/dsk/c0t8d0s6 /dev/rdsk/c0t8d0s6 /var ufs   1 no  nosuid,noatime,logging
/dev/dsk/c0t8d0s5 /dev/rdsk/c0t8d0s5 /opt ufs   2 yes logging
Reboot to allow the vfstab values to have effect.

5. Solaris 8: Install Sunscreen EFS

For maximum protection, a local firewall can be installed:

  1. On some versions of Solaris 8, the iPlanet CD#2 contains among other things, a restricted edition of the Sunscreen – the Sunscreen EFS lite firewall. It can also be download for free from Sun.
  2. IPfilter [20] can be used as an alternative for older Solaris versions.

Sunscreen lite can be used to protect network communications to the local machine (among other things).  Below we present a quick overview of setting up some simple rules on the command line, see [9] for a detailed discussion of Sunscreen configuration.

  • Installation:
    – When installing on the test system (which was installed with the Solaris 8 end user bundle), the EFS installation complained that SUWsprot was not installed. So, put back in Solaris CD#2 and install it first:

    Sunscreen Tip:
    Sun have published a paper on the Sunscreen lite v3.1, 18 months after this section was written, so it’s worth checking out
    [9] .Likewise the Sunscreen Lite install doc is now online.

    pkgadd -d /cdrom/sol_8_sparc_2/Solaris_8/Product SUNWsprot

    Now go to the Sunscreen package directory and start a GUI installation tool:
    or a terminal hands-off installation:
    ./installer -nodisplay

  • Configuration: Now we setup some simple Firewall rules. First, find out the name of the current running firewall policy, edit it and list the default rules and addresses.

# cd /opt/SUNWicg/SunScreen/bin;

# ./ssadm active
Active configuration: www default Initial.2

# ./ssadm edit Initial
edit> list rule
1 “common” “*” “*” ALLOW
edit> list address
“le0.net” RANGE
“localhost” HOST
“smtp-server” HOST
“www_le0” GROUP { } { }
edit> list service common
“common” GROUP “tcp all” “udp all” “syslog” “dns” “rpc all” “nfs prog” “icmp all” “rip” “ftp” “rsh” “real audio” “pmap udp all” “pmap tcp all” “rpc tcp all” “nis” “archie” “traceroute” “ping”

So we see that the default policy allows quite a few services through.

Let’s presume that we are setting up a HTTPD server (on port 80) and intend to manage it via SSH. We also want to allow ping and traceroute for initial trouble shooting. We could then create and active the new firewall policy restricting access to these services as follows

# ./ssadm edit Initial
edit> add service ssh      SINGLE FORWARD “tcp” PORT 22
edit> add service myhttp GROUP ping traceroute ssh www
edit> replace rule 1 ALLOW myhttp “*” “*”
edit> list rule
1 “myhttp” “*” “*” ALLOW
edit> save
edit> verify
Configuration verified successfully (not activated).
edit> quit
www# ./ssadm activate Initial
Configuration activated successfully on www.


  • Let’s allow ssh or smtp (for email alerts) to a management host, ping/traceroute outgoing for debugging and incoming only from management hosts, to reduce the risks even further. Allow HTTPS.  We can also allow dns lookups.

# cd /opt/SUNWicg/SunScreen/bin;
# ./ssadm edit Initial
edit> add address mgt_net RANGE
edit> add service mgt GROUP ping traceroute ssh
edit> add service https SINGLE FORWARD “tcp” PORT 443
edit> add service outgoing GROUP ping traceroute dns
edit> replace rule 1 ALLOW www “*” localhost
edit> replace rule 2 ALLOW https “*” localhost
edit> replace rule 3 ALLOW mgt mgt_net localhost
edit> replace rule 4 ALLOW outgoing localhost “*”
edit> replace rule 5 ALLOW smtp localhost mgt_net
edit> save
edit> verify
Configuration verified successfully (not activated).
# ./ssadm activate Initial
Configuration activated successfully on www.

Now test the network connections, to ensure the rules have the desired effect. To rollback to the initial configuration, delete all rules and add:

replace rule 1 ALLOW “common” “*” “*”

Finally, we can stop the remote Firewall management GUI. Why would we do this? If we are comfortable with the command line “ssadm” then one daemon more and one more configuration interface, that needs to be correctly configured and watched.

Disabling the following line in /etc/rc2.d/S63sunscreen
$SS_LIBDIR/run_httpd start efshttpd

In /opt/SUNWicg/SunScreen/lib/ss_boot, disable:
$SS_LIBDIR/ssadmserver start >/dev/console 2>&1

See also [9] for a detailed discussion of Sunscreen configuration.


6. More hardening: routing, email, resolver, tools

The system has now gone through a first hardening phase and should be still working! Boot and login on the console as root. Check for error messages on the console, fix if necessary.

  • Routing:
    • For default routes, add the IP address of the router to /etc/defaultrouter
      [This can be done in Jumpstart, see Jass Tips]
    • or for static routes, create a startup file in /etc/init.d/static_routes and a symbolic link under /etc/rc2.d/S99static_routes using the ‘route’ command.
    • Empty the routing table and add a route for a specific network, e.g.:
      route -f add net 129.97 `cat /etc/defaultrouter`
    • If you really want to run the routing daemon (we don’t advise this – use a dedicated router instead), make sure you understand how it works, read [21], as it can mess up your network. Consider running in quiet mode (‘-q’), or tell the interface not to publish routes with the ‘private’ option to ifconfig. To run in quiet mode, set SUNSTARTUP=YES in /etc/yassp.conf and make sure no default router is specified.
  • Configure /etc/hosts with a list of critical machines (which you don’t want resolved via DNS).
  • DNS client (avoid if not needed): add domain name and DNS servers to /etc/resolv.conf. Add a DNS entry for “hosts” in /etc/nsswitch.conf. [This can be done in Jumpstart, see Jass Tips]
  • Environment: /.cshrc /.profile: set aliases, variables (such as VISUAL, EDITOR and PATH – don’t include “.”). [This can be done in Jumpstart, see Jass Tips]
  • The useradd tool is a typical way of adding new accounts to the system. The first time it is run and defaults are set, it creates /usr/sadm/defadduser with a defaults for new user accounts. This might be a good time to edit this file and set the defaults you expect to use for new user accounts (e.g. shell, groups, expiration).
  • Email client: If hosts are not supposed to send email outside the subnet, don’t configure the mailhost alias (in /etc/hosts). Delete /usr/lib/sendmail (or even better pkgrm SUNWsndmr SUNWsndmu)  if you don’t need any kind of email. Otherwise,
    • edit /etc/mail/aliases, at least point mailer-daemon, root and other system accounts to real addresses. Then run newaliases.
    • add an entry with the IP address of the mail-server in /etc/hosts with the mailhost alias
    • add an entry with the FQDN (fully qualified domain name) of your machine to /etc/hosts — i.e. add a hostname.YOURDOMAIN.COM alias for your machine. (This is to stop sendmail from complaining).
    • in /etc/mail/sendmail.cf set the following to ensure all outgoing email is channeled over mailhost (the grayed-out bits are normally not needed on Solaris 8):
      O FallbackMXhost=mailhost
    • On Solaris 9, to get outgoing email delivery to work at all it may be necessary to change the ‘S’ macro in /etc/mail/submit.cf to:
    • Jass leaves sendmail running is queuing mode (which means MODE="" in /etc/init.d/sendmail) to retry deliveries that fail initially. If Jass was not used for hardening and sendmail has been stopped, /usr/lib/sendmail -q can be added to the root crontab.
    • send a test email to check the config:
      mailx -v -s test_email root </dev/null
  • Email server: If you really need to receive Email (i.e. run an SMTP server), it’s not a trivial task. Refer to [16].

Reboot, check for errors.

Install tools and scripts: All tools should already have been compiled and tested extensively on another machine. [These can be installed via Jumpstart, see Jass Tips]

  • Install security scripts in /secure, for example those used below [3]: rotate_cron, rotate_log, wtrim.pl, rdistd, Saveit, weekly. Then protect /secure:  chmod 700 /secure; chown -R root /secure
  • Solaris 8: Lots of Goodies are provided with Solaris 8 on the many additional CDs, one is The Software Companion CD which contains popular Freeware, such as ppp, samba, wu-ftp (avoid this), Development/Libraries, Development/Tools, X11 apps, vim/emacs, window managers and corresponding sources.
    Some tools not listed, that I would have liked were: top and lsof. Apache is not listed, because is included with Solaris itself (CD #2). These tools may save you some time, but will of course not be the very newest versions. Sun is to be commended for this CD, it’s a pity there’s not more and it didn’t come sooner! There is a GUI install tool, to use it on a headless server (i.e. you have no screen), login via SSH and tunnel X11. Or just navigate the directories and use pkgadd.
    Choose custom install to control exactly what is installed, where.
  • Install other useful tools: traceroute (included in Solaris 7) and maybe top or lsof (without SUID) .
  • Install perl  for scripting and create a link to /bin/perl (ln -s /usr/local/bin/perl /bin/perl).
    A version is already included in Solaris 8, but consider deleting it (‘pkgrm SUNWpl5u SUNWpl5p SUNWpl5m’) and installing a new, fresh copy (e.g.  download from Sunfreeware.com and ‘pkgadd -d perl-5.6.0-sol8-sparc-local’). The problem, apart from being a bit old, is that it is compiled with Sun’s compiler, not gcc. So if you use gcc, you may have problems installing and compiling Perl XSUB modules (the XML::Parser module taught me this).


7. Patches

Wait, don’t skip to the next section just yet! Yes, patches make us all yawn… are they a waste of time? This sections presents some strategies for handling patches and tools to make life easier.

During installation, the Solaris recommend patch bundle was installed. However, not all security fixes are included in this bundle, and as time goes by you’ll have to check regularly for new patches. Systems which have security patches installed are more secure than those which don’t. For overview of the concepts of Solaris Patching, see “A SunSolve Patch Primer”  [15].

Patch strategies

Weakness are continually discovered in Solaris and 3rd party applications. Not only do the weakness pose threats but the volume of weaknesses and patches can be a threat: if not managed carefully, they will consume too much time or they will be simple ignored.

The first problem is to be aware that weaknesses and/or patches actually exist. Possible strategies are:

  1. Get on all the mailing lists of organisations such as CERT/First, vendors like Sun, and especially Bugtraq. This can consume quite a lot of time.
  2. Get on the mailing list of an organisation which produces regular summaries of weakness/patches and security news, for example SecurityFocus (Sun section/ email list) or SANS. If a regular source of reliable information on Solaris and the applications that you use can be found, it may save much time.
  3. Run a tool on important servers that checks the current patch level and compares it with the newest list of patches available from Sun: This is the ideal situation (it is discussed below in more detail).
  4. Check Sun’s recommended patch bundles for changes every month or two: This requires little effort, but security is not as tight and the recommended bundles do not cover all Security problems. The recommended bundles may cause problems with some applications though, if kernel patches are applied.
  5. 3rd party application patches need to be checked and applied too. Don’t forget them!

How do you decide whether a weakness is worth patching?

  • If the weakness concerns a remotely exploitable weakness in an active network daemon, exposed to a hostile environment like the Internet, install it soon.
  • If the weakness concerns a local exploit of a tool not normally used, not a daemon and on a host where only root or administrator accounts exist, it may be enough to install the patch together with a bundle at regular intervals (e.g. every six months).
  • If the weakness concerns a local exploit of a tool on a host where non-administrative users have accounts, then it depends on how critical the system is and how much the users can be trusted. Regular patches to multi-user systems are advised.
  • If the systems runs highly specialised software like databases, be very wary of installing Kernel, I/O and driver patches. It is advisable to test patches on a separate system first.
  • Patches differ by Solaris version and architecture. So it makes sense to try and keep servers of the same OS/architecture on the same patch-level and define a master host, whose patch level is automatically checked at regular intervals.

Warning: Patches may reverse some of Jass’s changes. So reboot after applying patches, check carefully that no unexpected daemons are running and consider re-running Jass (it is designed to allow multiple runs).

Some patches installations may give warnings/errors:

  • “return code 8” means that the patch in question cannot be applied because the relevant Solaris modules are not installed. This error can be ignored.
  • “return code 2” indicates patches are already installed. This error can be ignored.
  • “return code 25” means a patches requires another patch that is not yet installed. Try re-installing the bundle when finished, it may be a problem with the order of the installation of patches.
  • Other errors should be investigated. Check the patch installation log:
    more /var/sadm/install_data/Solaris_*Recommended_log
Patch Tools [15]:
  • GetApplyPatch and CheckPatches are two Bourne shell scripts for Solaris patch management, that I’ve tested quite a bit and can recommend:
    1. CheckPatches: is a script that uses showrev to see what patches are installed, compare this against the Solaris patch report, and makes a list of recommended and security patches that need installation. It expects to find ‘SolarisX.PatchReport’ in the current directory (or you can use ‘-f’ to download the latest Patch report via ftp)
      > ./CheckPatches -f
    2. GetApplyPatch: is a script to get and apply a patch. Arguments are a list of patch numbers. If run from the command line, it is interactive and will ask you to confirm the download, show the patch readme, install the patch and delete the patch directory. It can also run without prompting in “batch mode” (-b).
      > ./GetApplyPatch 108875-07
      A cron script for automating this and emailing the results is included (CheckPatches.cron).
    3. Both scripts can be used together to get each patch that is needed and install it. By default this is interactive: it downloads the patch list and works out what patches are needed, then for each patch, you are asked if you want to download the patch, then view the readme, then install it, delete the patch files and move on to the next one. Cool.
      > ./CheckPatches | ./GetApplyPatch
      A cron script for automating this and emailing the results is included (GetApplyPatch.cron). I would not recommend automatically applying patches on important (high availability) servers.
    4. Other features:
      • Man pages are included.
      • Solaris Intel and SPARC is supported & tested.
      • ftp proxies may be configured and you can download from your local mirror rather than Sunsolve.
      • CheckPatches can be configured to ignore certain patches. For example, we have a Solaris8 x86 server and CheckPatches reports that we need:
        109897-03 SunOS 5.8_x86: USB patch
        109952-01 SunOS 5.8_x86: jserver buffer overflow
        110417-02 SunOS 5.8_x86: ATOK12 patch

        But we don’t use any of these products, so we’d like to ignore patch information of these. So we create a file Solaris8_x86.PatchReport.Except in the same directory as Solaris8_x86.PatchReport, that contains the above 3 lines and CheckPatches will automatically ignore them! Neat.
      • Alternatively we could suppress the output of CheckPatches with out own expression, e.g.:
        ./CheckPatches | egrep -v "109897|109952|110417"
    5. Problems:
      – Several problems were fixed and Dec’00/Jan’01. The version we tested here was from 19.Jan’01.
      – Sometimes it does not install a patches because some other patch is required. Hopefully a second run catches those.
      – It would be better if the patch exception list did not contain patch version numbers.
  • The Patchdiag tool from Sunsolve can be used along with the latest patchdiag.xref to see what recommended and security patches are missing, then download & install the missing ones. This tool is apparently free, but only available for download for contract customers.
  • Consider checking with the SecurityFocus vulnerability calculator. Execute the following:
    > showrev -p | cut -f2 -d' ' | xargs
    and then paste it into the window on SecurityFocus.com and select OS version, architecture and hit run. This will probably result in a long list of vulnerabilities, most of which are not relevant. Go through the list looking for applications or services that are active on your host, that then need fixing. A link is provided for each vulnerability, where more details and fixes can be found. This list of vulnerabilities includes not just Solaris, but all third party applications.
  • FastPatch is a replacement for patchadd, the same but a lot faster.
  • Patchreport is a script that does everything CheckPatches and GetApplyPatch do, plus checking integrity of patches via MD5, logging in to sunsolve to get the public patch reports or if you have a Sunsolve ID and getting the full patchdiag.xref file. It’s written in Perl and does require quite a few Perl modules to be installed. Not yet tested in detail.

8. RPC

RPC services should be avoided on sensitive servers, such as those on the Internet or in a DMZ. RPC uses dynamic ports and provides no standard access control methods. However, some programs insist on having RPC e.g. CDE, OpenWindows, Disksuite and Legato Networker. If possible avoid RPC, otherwise….

Improving Disksuite Security:

Disksuite is a tool bundled with Solaris that allows disks to be mirrored or gathered into RAID sets. This is useful feature to have in the system. The problem is that Disksuite uses RPC (specifically: two programs rpc.metamhd and rpc.metad which run from inetd).

How can Disksuite security be improved?

  1. Don’t run Disksuite. This is my often choice.
    • Hardware RAID systems have the advantage that no special software like Disksuite is needed. This is better for secure systems (simplicity) and in disaster scenarios you may find Disksuite isn’t all that easy to handle.
    • For system disks (where data does not change often), I’ve written a script for backing up boot disks with cpio. See also the section Boot disk backup.
  2. Run Disksuite but stop the associated RPC services (in /etc/inetd.conf) and stop rpcbind:
    • The “metad” service can be disabled but this means the “metatool” will not work. Command line tools will work fine — and you should know them in any case for disaster scenarios with system disks.
    • The “metamhd” service can be disabled but this means you cannot share metadevices between systems.

OK, let’s get back to general measures for RPC security:

  • If you are using Solaris 8, the bundled (free) Sunscreen EFS Lite Firewall can be used to filter who can access the rpc services (since the Sunscreen includes an RPC state filter engine), or…
  • IPfilter [20] can also be used as local firewall to prevent access to RPC services.
    • It’s free and works on older Solaris, not just 8.
    • It doesn’t have an RPC state based engine though (so it can’t filter on RPC program names or allow RPC to specific destinations),
    • but it can be used to allow all localhost RPC traffic (enough for some RPC applications such as Disksuite or CDE) and deny all remote traffic except, say, HTTP or whatever service is provided to remote hosts.
  • Use Wietse Venema’s rpcbind, which provides tcp wrapper-like access control and logging. Rpcbind is a “directory” service that’s used to locate a service (by RPC name or by RPC number). Since it is not used to mediate the connection to the service, it cannot provide access control to the actual RPC programs. A port scanner can detect active RPC services and unless the kernel is adapted to filter such connections it’s impossible to prevent others from accessing them.
    Summary of features (extract from the README):

    – host access control on IP addresses. The local host is considered authorized. Host access control requires the libwrap.a library that comes with recent tcp wrapper implementations.
    – requests that are forwarded by the rpcbind process will be forwarded through an unprivileged port.
    – the rpcbind process refuses to forward requests to rpc daemons that do (or should) verify the origin of the request: at present, the list includes most of the calls to the NFS mountd/nfsd daemons and the NIS daemons.
    – the rpcbind process refuses REMOTE requests sent to high-numbered UDP ports (instead of TCP or UDP ports 111). High-numbered ports are opened by the rpcbind server as a side effect of other activity. These ports could be abused to bypass packet filtering restrictions. See the advisory (and addendum) on www.secnet.com

    • It is based on the Solaris 2.3 sources for rpcbind, which were made publicly available by Sun in 1994. A code review was also conducted (by Jean Chouanard) on the differences with Solaris 2.7’s RPCBIND, the differences were minimal.
    • The additional logging is useful. If RPC is restricted to localhost, and ‘rpcinfo -p’ is attempted from another host, the following is logged:
      Aug 4 14:55:15 myserver rpcbind: refused connect from to dump()

9. Logging, root cron entries

Syslog logging: I replace Suns syslog.conf and that installed by Jass, with my own [3] – that enables more logging than the default and saves logs in /var/adm/messages. More details below.

I also disabled the Solaris log pruning and other lines in the root cron. I’ve written a script /secure/weekly [3] which includes the weekly entries listed below and can be run on both loghost and client, with a cron entry like:
50 23 * * 6 sh /secure/weekly >/dev/null

Syslog configuration:

Syslog client: Designate one machine as the loghost (in /etc/hosts).

  • Test that logging to the server works correctly:
    logger -p auth.warn “test of syslog”
    and check that it appears in the server logs.
  • If you would like a copy of logs to be kept locally, as well as remotely, uncomment the line in /etc/syslog.conf:
    *.err;auth.info;kern.debug /var/adm/messages
  • If syslog does not work as expected, read the commented example and tips in syslog.conf.

Syslog server or “loghost”:

  • Give the loghost a whopping great disk for logs.
  • If you want to use my syslog.conf for servers that splits up the logs into one file per facility in /var/log, then:Backup old syslog config:
    mv /etc/syslog.conf /etc/syslog.conf.orig$$Download syslog.conf [3] to /etc/syslog.conf and set permissions:
    chmod 644 /etc/syslog.conf
  • Jass will start syslog with the “-t” option, so it will not accept syslog connections from other hosts. So, to run a central syslog server, remove the ‘-t’ option to the syslogd startup line in /etc/init.d/syslog and create the logs if they don’t yet exist, for example:
    ## Syslog server by Sean
    for log in alertlog authlog cronlog daemonlog kernlog local0log local2log
    local5log lprlog maillog newslog userlog ; do
      if [ ! -f /var/log/$log ]; then
        /usr/bin/cp /dev/null /var/log/$log
        /usr/bin/chmod 0644   /var/log/$log
    /usr/sbin/syslogd >/dev/msglog 2>&1 &;
    ## end Sean's edits
  • Restart syslog:
    kill -1 `cat /etc/syslog.pid`
  • Use rotate_log [3] to prune and compress logs, add root cron entries (note that /secure/weekly includes all this):

## Prune syslog logs weekly, keeping the last 6 months or so:
55 23 * * 6 /secure/rotate_log -n 40 alertlog
55 23 * * 6 /secure/rotate_log -n 40 authlog
55 23 * * 6 /secure/rotate_log -n 20 cronlog
55 23 * * 6 /secure/rotate_log -n 40 daemonlog
55 23 * * 6 /secure/rotate_log -n 40 kernlog
55 23 * * 6 /secure/rotate_log -n 40 local0log
55 23 * * 6 /secure/rotate_log -n 40 local2log
55 23 * * 6 /secure/rotate_log -n 40 local5log
55 23 * * 6 /secure/rotate_log -n 20 newslog
55 23 * * 6 /secure/rotate_log -n 40 userlog
55 23 * * 6 /secure/rotate_log -n 10 lprlog
55 23 * * 6 /secure/rotate_log -n 20 maillog

Add a root cron entry for cleaning of other local logs on both workstations and servers (note that /secure/weekly also includes this)

# Solaris 2.x logs:
0 4 * * 6 /secure/rotate_log -L /var/adm -n 30 loginlog
0 4 * * 6 /secure/rotate_log -L /var/adm -n 30 sulog
0 4 * * 6 /secure/rotate_log -L /var/adm -n 2 vold.log
0 4 * * 6 /secure/rotate_cron

Add a root cron entry for Yearly cleaning of login entries

## Empty login/logout records at year end
0 0 31 12 * /secure/wtrim.pl wtmp 20
0 0 31 12 * /secure/wtrim.pl wtmpx 20

Other root cron entries:

Set date once a day with a reliable source using rdate (you may prefer NTP, it’s more accurate, but complex, uses bandwidth and is an additional security worry). See also the section Time Synchronisation.
## Synchronise the time:
0 * * * * /usr/bin/rdate YOURTIMEHOST  >/dev/null 2>&1
## Synchronise the time with NTP
#0 * * * * ntpdate YOURTIMEHOST1 YOURTIMEHOST2  >/dev/null 2>&1

Consider installing a script to check that important daemons are running. For example, install monitor_processes.pl [3] and add a root cron entry:

## Check that important processes are running during office hours:
0,30 8-19 * * 1-5 /secure/monitor_processes.pl sshd httpd


Document configuration changes in a text file such as /etc/mods, update after each change, with date, author, files affected, description.
cat > /etc/mods <<EOF
15.10.01  sb  New install of Solaris8 and tools according to hardening guidelines


10. Limiting SUID Files

Files which have the SUID bit set (an “s” where the execute bit for the owner/group is shown in ‘ls’ listings) allow the user executing the program to assume the identity/group of the owner of the program. This is typically used to allow normal users to access certain function typically only allowed to root, for example binding to low ports, mounting  a floppy disk, etc. The problem is that historically, many security weakness have been found in such programs allowing attackers with local accounts to become root by exploiting buffer over flows, race conditions etc.

• Solaris has many “SUID root” binaries and each one presents a risk, so when hardening systems it is advisable to disable as many SUID program as possible.
• The purpose of this section is to provide a brief overview of the subject, a list of documents and scripts for disabling SUID files is provided.
• See [8] for SUID references and further reading.

What SUID files are on the system?

The find command can be used to list all SUID files:
find / -perm -u+s -ls

or all SGID files:
find / -perm -g+s -ls

How should we handle SUID files? Possible courses of action, in order of preference, are:

  • Remove the package containing the offending file
  • Disable the program (e.g. chmod 000 FILENAME)
  • The SUID bit can be removed (e.g. chmod ug-s FILENAME)
  • Restrict the file to a group of users (first remove world access: “chmod o-rwx”, then allow a group “chgrp MYGROUP MYFILE”) .

What SUID files need to be limited?

  • One suggestion for paranoid systems is to disable all except ‘pt_chmod’, ‘utmp_update’ and ‘su’.
  • Before removing SUID bits, we make a backup of all SUID files so that we can also go back and restore the previous state.
    tar cvf /opt/suid_backups.tar `find / -type f \( -perm -u+s -o -perm -g+s \) -print`This file may be 14MB or more, compression reduces the size significantly:
    gzip /opt/suid_backups.tar

    [These suid files can be minimized via a Jumpstart finish script, see Jass Tips]

  • Specific examples on SUID limiting are presented below which reduce the number of SUID/SGID files from about 80 to 9. These were tested on both Solaris 8 and 7, on a DMZ server. Note that Solaris 8 has less SUID files than Solaris 7.
    1. Tools like uucp are almost never needed. If possible, remove the SUNWbnuu package or disable the SUID bits.
      pkgrm SUNWbnuu
      chmod ug-s /usr/bin/cu /usr/bin/uu* /usr/lib/uucp/*
    2. Another often unused suite of tools is kcms (Kodak Color Management System), so either remove or disable:
      pkgrm SUNWkcspf SUNWkcspx SUNWkcspg SUNWkcsrt;
      chmod ug-s /usr/openwin/bin/kcms*
    3. If no printer is needed:
      chmod ug-s /usr/lib/lp/bin/netpr /usr/sbin/lpmove /usr/bin/lp /usr/bin/lpset /usr/bin/lpstat /usr/bin/cancel /etc/lp/alerts/printer
    4. Only allow root to use ancient r* commands, since you only use SSH (right?):
      chmod ug-s /usr/bin/rcp /usr/bin/rlogin /usr/bin/rsh
    5. Only allow root to sniff the network, use rdist or list processes:
      chmod ug-s /usr/sbin/snoop /usr/sbin/devinfo /bin/rdist /usr/bin/netstat /usr/local/bin/top /usr/local/bin/*/top /usr/sbin/traceroute /usr/local/bin/lsof /usr/bin/*/ps /usr/ucb/*/ps /usr/sbin/*/whodo /usr/bin/*/uptime /usr/bin/*/w
      Note: ‘ps’ doesn’t really need SUID on Solaris 2.5 and later (which have /proc), performance of the ‘ps’ command will be slightly reduced due to lack of caching.
    6. dump or restore only need SUID for the archaic ‘rmt/rsh’ remote backups, so drop it.
      chmod ug-s /usr/lib/fs/ufs/ufsdump /usr/lib/fs/ufs/ufsrestore
      You might only allow root to use these anyway? In which case they can be further restricted with ‘chmod 700’.
    7. Disable YP, NIS+ SUID tools unless you need them:
      chmod ug-s /usr/bin/chkey
    8. If only root uses cron or at, then restrict them:
      chmod ug-s /usr/bin/at /usr/bin/atq /usr/bin/atrm /usr/bin/crontab
    9. If only root uses the serial line (for tty consoles):
      chmod ug-s /usr/bin/tip
    10. If only the root account administers the system:
      chmod ug-s /usr/bin/admintool /usr/lib/fs/ufs/quota /usr/bin/fdformat /usr/bin/eject /usr/bin/volcheck /usr/bin/volrmmount /usr/bin/rmformat /usr/platform/*/sbin/eeprom /usr/sbin/wallchmod ug-s /usr/sbin/arp /usr/bin/write /usr/sbin/sacadm /usr/sbin/*/sysdef /usr/sbin/*/prtconf /usr/platform/*/sbin/prtdiag* /usr/sbin/*/swap
    11. If we don’t use Openwindows and CDE, for example on servers:
      chmod ug-s /usr/dt/bin/* /usr/openwin/*/*
    12. Sendmail: Hosts which are not email relays or servers don’t need it to be SUID:
      chmod u-s /usr/lib/sendmail
    13. If only root needs to manage devices
      chmod u-s /usr/sbin/allocate /usr/sbin/mkdevalloc /usr/sbin/mkdevmaps /usr/sbin/list_devices /usr/sbin/deallocate
    14. If only root needs to set power management:
      chmod ug-s /usr/sbin/pmconfig
    15. If the Solaris8 project feature is not used, ‘newtask’ does not need SUID:
      chmod ug-s /usr/bin/newtask
    16. Only root manages quotas (Solaris 7 and younger)
      chmod ug-s /usr/lib/fs/ufs/quota
    17. If users don’t need to change group identification:
      chmod ug-s /usr/bin/newgrp
    18. Only allow root to query IPC (inter process communication) status. To check if IPC is used on your system, run: ipcs
      chmod ug-s /usr/*/bin/*/ipcs /usr/bin/*/ipcs

    After appling the above commands on a Solaris 7 or 8 “user bundle” install, the list of SUIDs left is reduced to the following:
    find / -type f \( -perm -u+s -o -perm -g+s \) -ls

    SUID files:
    /usr/lib/pt_chmod /usr/lib/utmp_update /usr/bin/login /usr/bin/passwd /usr/bin/pfexec /usr/bin/su /usr/sbin/ping /opt/local/bin/ssh

    SGID files:
    /usr/bin/mail /usr/bin/mailx
    Note: You’ll also find that /usr/bin/yppasswd /usr/bin/nispasswd are SUID, but they are links to /usr/bin/passwd, so removing the SUID bits will stop normal users from changing their local passwords!

Some auditing ideas:

  • We could check that all SUID files on the system are in the package database and haven’t been changed:
    > find / -perm -u+s -exec pkgchk -p {} \; | more
    The package database only uses “checksums” (not hashes/signatures) and could easily be modified by an attacker, so don’t trust the package commands as ‘proof’ that binaries are non modified, consider it rather an indication.
  • Or we could list all SUID files, with details of what packages they belong to:
    > find / -perm -u+s -exec pkgchk -l -p {} \; | more

Further reading:

  • Reg Quinton explains [8] each Solaris SUID file and recommends settings, together with an appropriate script that can be customised. The recommended settings are for “medium” security systems.
  • See [8] for SUID references and further reading.

More file permissions tightening:

chmod o-rx /etc/security          #Not needed for Solaris8 or later
chmod 400 /.shosts /etc/sshd_config /etc/ssh_known_hosts

To Do:

It would be useful to have packages that reset the SUID files for examples situations such as Bastion Hosts (high), multi-user servers (medium), workstations (low). The packages would also correct the pkg database so that ‘pkgchk -n’ would not report permissions errors after the SUID files had been adapted.

11. Install an Integrity Checker: e.g. Tripwire

You should regularly check the integrity of files on the system, to be assured that they have not been maliciously modified. Solaris provides “pkgchk -n” which checks the package databases against the size, permissions and checksums of actually installed files. This is useful and recommended, however checksums can be fooled and the package database can itself be manipulated, so it is no protection against the clever attacker (or the script Kiddie with a clever rootkit). What is required, is a file integrity checker that uses secure (one-way) hashing algorithms.

Which is why the Yassp Tarball installs tripwire in /secure/tripwire. Tripwire uses several secure hashing algorithms (and in it’s commercial form, provides cryptographic signing of it’s database).

At this stage of the installation, it is recommended to take a snapshot of the files on the newly configured system, i.e. initialise tripwire’s database and then run regular checks to monitor for changes. If possible, keep the master database on another machine, offline or on write-once media.

What options do we have for integrity checking?

  • Tripwire [5]: There are both free and commercial versions (which costs ~$500.-/host).
    • The free version can be tricky to get working correctly and has a few bugs. Source code is provided. It may crash on very large disks. This is the version included with Yassp.
    • The commercial version is a bit pricey, reports are verbose (you’ll need filter scripts – V2.2.1 is better in this regard, then again 2.2.1 is buggier than 2.0.1), more configuration examples should be provided. It is more stable than the free version, also runs on RH Linux and NT and offers enhanced security by cryptographic signing of policy and configuration files. Support (even when paid for) is not great.
    • Neither version supports the use of regular expressions when defining policy rules. e.g. you can’t specify a rule for “/home/*/www/cgi-bin” files, that would work even when new directories are added under /home.
    • Tripwire was released as OpenSource for Linux (but not Solaris) in October 2000.
    • A good mix is to use the commercial version on secured central host, which then runs the free version remotely via SSH on all other hosts (see trip_host.sh notes below).
  • PGP can also be used, by signing files to be protected (creating lots of signature files), then writing a script to check the validity of signatures. This will not catch permission, link, inode or modify date changes though.
  • MD5 signatures (one way hashes that are more secure than non-unique CRC checksums) could be used in a similar way, but the list of MD5 signatures should not be stored on the system being monitored, unless it is PGP signed or encrypted.
  • Aide is a new GPL tripwire replacement [12] that looks interesting, I’ve not had a chance to test it so far.

An example using the free Tripwire Version 1.2 (bundled with Yassp):

  • Use the Yassp installed version in /secure/tripwire/tripwire with an example configuration tw.config [3], or pick up the sources and compile.
  • Adapt /secure/tripwire/tw.config for your site, if needed.
  • Next, the “initial state” of the system needs to be saved:
    cd /secure/tripwire; ./tripwire -i 2 -initialise -c tw.config
    This will create a new file database (which may take 5-15 minutes).  Lots of warnings like “No such file or directory” may appear, just ignore them.
    Note: we run tripwire with the “-i 2” option to increase speed (it disables one checking algorithm, snerfu, but SHA1 and MD5 are still used).
    Copy the newly created database (in /secure/tripwire/databases) to a floppy or another machine where it is safe (encrypt it if possible). This backup of the tripwire database will be useful for forensics, if the machine is ever attacked or suspected of being modified.
  • The checking can be run each day from cron, or manually via:
    ./tripwire -i 2 -c tw.config
  • To tell Tripwire that (changes to) files or entire directory trees are OK:
    tripwire -update [/file1 /file2 /patch3….]
  • Improvements:
    • The tripwire database can saved on the same machine, but compress and encrypt or sign it with a strong encryption tool (like PGP).
    • For increased security and automated checking of several systems from one trusted host, copy tripwire and it’s database and run it remotely at regular intervals using SSH. Delete the tripwire database on the target after checking.
    • This makes it difficult for an attacker to know that tripwire is being used to check the system. In addition, immediately update the tripwire database, so that only differences are reported by successive runs.
    • See the sample script trip_host.sh for doing exactly this and filtering all those annoying “No such file or directory” warnings. It must be run from the ‘master’ host which has an SSH trust to the target.

    To run the first time:
    /secure/tripwire/trip_host.sh -init HOST
    Each time after that:
    /secure/tripwire/trip_host.sh -check HOST

    To automate for many hosts, this script is then called from another script for each host that needs to be monitored. See the sample script trip_all. This script also assumes that the commercial tripwire is used on the central trusted host (only). The commercial tripwire allows signing of the tripwire database, which makes it more secure.

  • Regularly copy the configuration and database to floppy disk or write-one media, in a crisis it will be very useful.

12. Install, test, harden applications

Depending on the function of the server, applications such as ftpd, BIND, proxies, etc. are installed at this point.

Hardening of specific applications like ftp, DNS, Email and also general application tips are discussed in a separate document [16].


13. Going live

Preparing to go live
  1. You probably won’t need CD-ROMs or floppies anymore, so disable the volume manager in /etc/yassp.conf (if it was still enabled, which it not by default).
    If you do need to mount a CD in the future, start vold manually and check for new devices:
    drvconfig; disks; vold &; volcheck; df -k
  2. If partitions such as /opt or /usr had to be mounted read-write during the application install/testing, consider mounting them read-only now.
  3. Reinitialise tripwire (or equivalent integrity checker).
  4. Backup the system to two tapes, one offsite.
  5. Run a network scan on the system, to ensure that only expected services are visible. A commercial tool such as ISS or a free one like Nessus, nmap, Satan/Saint/Sara should do the job. Print out the results and archive.
  6. If possible, have additional people do the final testing, just in case something was forgotten.
  7. Test in detail – What works? What is forbidden? Check console/log entries. Does the system behave as expected? Watch the logs very frequently during the first few days of production.
Going Live

Connect to the live network. Test in detail. Check log entries. Does the system behave as expected?

Have applications been tested in detail, by different people with different points of view, from different access points on the network?

Regular maintenance

The following activities should take place hourly, daily, weekly or monthly, depending on how critical the system is:

  • Check the status of patches with Sun’s Patchdiag, update as needed. Be very wary of kernel patches (test on a non-production machine).
  • Check all logs for errors and unusual activity: syslog (/var/adm/messages or /var/log/*log, depending on syslog.conf), /var/cron/log, last, /var/adm/sulog, /var/adm/loginlog, application/server logs.
  • Write scripts to report if critical daemons die, or if important systems cannot be pinged.
  • Run tripwire (or equivalent integrity checker).
  • Be regularly informed of new vulnerabilities and security issues, either by subscribing directly to CERT, CIAC [18] and the vendor security lists (Sun, Microsoft, etc.) and/or subscribing to newsletters such as those on SecurityFocus or SANS [19].

Jass Overview

The primary goal behind the development of the Solaris Security Toolkit  (“Jass”)  was to simplify and automate the process of securing Solaris systems through JumpStart or in a standalone mode. It implements the recommendations in Sun’s BluePrints security articles. Jass is Sun’s answer to Yassp and Titan, and has evolved into a capable, interesting, Solaris hardening tool.

“The Solaris Security Toolkit is a tool designed to assist in creation and deployment of secured Solaris Operating Environment systems. The Toolkit is comprised of a set of scripts and directories implementing the recommendations made in the Sun BluePrints OnLine program.
These scripts can be executed on Solaris systems through the JumpStart technology or directly from the command line. The Toolkit includes scripts to harden, patch, and minimize Solaris Operating Environment systems. Sun does not support the Toolkit.”

Summary of changes since version 0.2 (November 2000) -> v0.3:

  • Undo capability: This option, -u instructs the program that a previous run of the Toolkit is to be removed. Because the jass-execute program is used to access the undo feature, this feature is only available in standalone mode and not in JumpStart mode
  • Updated framework: The Toolkit variable, JASS_CONFIG_DIR, has been renamed to JASS_HOME_DIR to provide a clearer meaning as to its use. The JASS_HOME_DIR is defined as the directory location in which the Toolkit is installed. The SCRIPTS* and FILES* variables now use the JASS_ prefix (i.e., JASS_SCRIPTS and JASS_FILES) for consistency. SUNWjass is now a reserved name for the Toolkit software package format distribution. The Toolkit is now available in this format, as well as in the original compressed tar format. The same source is distributed in both distributions. Administrators can also now make their own packages using the supplied make-pkg script.
    A new configuration file, finish.init, has been added to handle all finish script configuration variables. These variables still can be overridden by the user in the user.init file. This file was heavily commented to explain each variable, its impact, and its use in finish scripts.
  • Changes to profiles
  • New driver scripts
  • Changes to driver scripts
  • New + changed finish scripts
  • New file templates: sendmail, c2 auditing
  • Miscellaneous changes
  • The license is still quite tight: you can use freely for you own private or corporate, but cannot distribute or publish derivative works


Test Drive

We start off with an example of running Jass on a new Solaris 8 workstation installed with a ‘user bundle’. An example log of the output is [1]

First we install Jass:
pkgadd SUNWjass-0.3.8.pkg

Copy over FixModes.tar.Z to /opt/SUNWjass/Packages, so FixModes will be run as part of the Jass installation.

Then we run the default Jass hardening for standalone use:
/opt/SUNWjass/jass-execute -d hardening.driver

On rebooting we find:

  • Although inetd is running, no services are available in inetd.conf.
  • Sendmail is left running is queue mode (will deliver but not accept remote emails), which is fine.
  • The following daemons are left running because they’re not considered risky (they don’t listen on any network ports). Personally, I would prefer to stop every daemon that is not strictly necessary:
    root 230 1 0 10:18:21 ? 0:00 /usr/sbin/nscd
    root 240 1 0 10:18:22 ? 0:00 /usr/lib/utmpd
    root 43 1 0 10:17:59 ? 0:00 /usr/lib/devfsadm/devfseventd
    root 45 1 0 10:18:00 ? 0:00 /usr/lib/devfsadm/devfsadmd
  • BSM auditing is enabled. I have mixed feelings about this due to the patches need to make it work, logs it generates, and the problems with root crontabs. It does however create the ‘root.au’ file. See also [22].

Next we try the ‘undo’ feature which allows us to go back to the configuration before Jass was run. It very nicely asks us which ‘Jass run’ we would like to undo:

/opt/SUNWjass/jass-execute -u

The undo seems to work fine, except for BSM auditing which is not cleanly removed, see also the undo log [1]. Jass can be run several times, and the undo can remove the effects of each previous run or all runs. Nice.

How good is the Jass hardening?

  • Jass can be customised to meet you needs, but if you use the standard hardening.driver, some extra daemons are left running that may not be needed on some systems: devfseventd, devfsadmd, utmpd, nscd. They do not listen to any network ports though and so pose less risk.
  • The classic fix-modes tool for tightening file permissions and SSH for secure login must be manually added, or, copy it to the Jass Packages directory before running Jass, then Jass will run it for you.
  • Options like nosuid, noatime or logging are not added to /etc/vfstab
  • The number of suid or sgid files are not reduced.
  • Tools such as tripwire, tocsin, Venema’s rpcbind / tcpd are not bundled (but it shouldn’t be too difficult to add them).
  • Note: the hardening-jumpstart.driver is an example script for actual hardening of a Jumpstart server (for example, it allows rpc and nfs to run) and is not a general hardening setup.

What I like about Jass?

  • Stable, good quality, modular, sources available, can automatically install patches and tools such as ‘fix-modes’ and SSH.
  • Can be re-applied after new patches installed.
  • Both package format and tarball, script to make custom packages.
  • Multiple level undo feature – a track of activity is kept in /var/opt/SUNWjass/run.
    There are scripts whose actions that can’t be undone though: enable-bsm.fin, install-fix-modes.fin, install-jass.fin, install-openssh. fin, install-recommended-patches.fin and install-strong-permissions.fin.
  • Useful logs are kept of what has been done in /var/opt/SUNWjass/run.
  • Works standalone or with Jumpstart. In Jumpstart mode it really excels, making Jumpstart more flexible and easier to use.
  • An auditing mode can be used to verify some security points on an existing system:
    /opt/SUNWjass/jass-execute -d audit.driver

What don’t I like?

  • The negative issues raised in the section How good is the Jass hardening?
  • The license ‘free’, but quite tight: you can use freely for your own private or corporate use, but cannot distribute or publish derivative works.
  • Casper Dik’s ‘fix-modes’ script for improving file permissions is not bundled with Jass, although a script exists for installing it. Why not make a tarball that includes Jass and some key tools such as fix-modes and SSH? the same applies to md5.
  • Documentation error: Jass can install recommended patches, if they are in /opt/SUNWjass/Patches when run. This is not mentioned in the quickstart Guide (v0.31).
  • There is no central configuration file (like Yassp’s /etc/yassp.conf), where “boot time” security settings (such as umask or which daemons are started) can be personalised to suit the needs of a specific system. With Jass, these must be set beforehand by editing the scripts and re-running Jass.
  • New daemons are often added to Solaris point releases, Jass will have to be updated for each of these. Jass won’t catch application daemons either.
  • Issues with v0.30:
    • There is no variable to pass ‘-nosave’ to the install_cluster command for patch installation (fixed in v0.31: Add JASS_REC_PATCH_OPTIONS=”-o -d” to user.init).
  • BSM auditing is enabled by default, but it can be disabled by commenting out the BSM line in Drivers/hardening.driver.
  • Syslog is configured to log everything locally in /var/adm/messages, strangely no forwarding to loghost is done if this alias is defined.
  • Solaris Intel packages are not available.
    • Files are only installed from the Files directory if they are listed in the JASS_FILES variable in Driver/hardening.driver. It would be useful if all files in the Files directory were copied would adapting the scripts, but then again, perhaps it’s preferable to copy only specific files to specific hosts depending on architecture, hostname etc?
    • If you list a directory in JASS_FILES, and it has subdirectories, files will not be copied correctly, landing in the wrong level of the tree. Workaround: specify each file exactly for now.
  • Default router is not set automatically (most subnets use a fixed number for all routers, e.g. ‘.1’).
  • Root’s GECOS field is not set. It would be useful if it was set to ‘root at HOSTNAME’, with HOSTNAME set accordingly.


Jass is an interesting tool, well worth checking out. The fact that is sponsored (although not supported) by Sun, has most of the features of other hardening packages and is under constant improvement, should ensure it’s elevation to a quasi standard.

Jass tips

The following are improvements/ideas that you may find useful to Jass in your environment. Example scripts can be found here. We assume the main driver used is hardening.driver.

  1. If a patch bundle is copied to /opt/SUNWjass/Patches (or /jumpstart/Patches), they are automatically installed.
    In v0.30, it is useful to adapt the script Finish/install-recommended-patches.fin so that ‘install_cluster’ is called with the ‘-nosave’ option. On a new installs, I don’t see the point in saving old patches and tying up tens of megabytes of space.
    In v0.31 add JASS_REC_PATCH_OPTIONS="-o -d" to user.init
  2. Accounting and BSM auditing are enabled by default in v0.31 and v035, which I don’t recommend. They can de disabled by commenting the lines ‘enable-bsm.fin’ and ‘enable-process-accounting.fin’ in Drivers/hardening.driver.
  3. Before running Jass, copy md5.tar.Z and FixModes.tar.Z to /opt/SUNWjass/Packages to ensure they are installed when Jass is run.
  4. Scripts can be added to disable other daemons. For example to disable the nscd daemon (which may not be needed in all environments), add a new script to Finish/disable-nscd.fin which contains:

    echo “Disabling nscd startup and shutdown scripts”
    echo “”
    if [ “${JASS_KILL_SCRIPT_DISABLE}” = “1” ]; then
    disable_rc_file ${JASS_ROOT_DIR}/etc/rcS.d K40nscd
    disable_rc_file ${JASS_ROOT_DIR}/etc/rc0.d K40nscd
    disable_rc_file ${JASS_ROOT_DIR}/etc/rc1.d K40nscd
    disable_rc_file ${JASS_ROOT_DIR}/etc/rc2.d S76nscd

    Then we add disable-nscd.fin to the JASS_SCRIPTS section of Drivers/hardening.driver, to activate the above script..

  5. We can set the default router automatically (to A.B.C.1) by adding a file Finish/set-defaultrouter.fin, that contains the following. A line containing set-defaultrouter.fin also needs to be added to Drivers/hardening.driver.

    # Get IP address, chop off the host part and add “.1”
    inet=`ifconfig -a | grep inet | egrep -v “” | awk ‘{print $2}’`
    #echo $inet
    router=`echo $inet | awk -F’.’ ‘{print $1 “.” $2 “.” $3 “.1”}’`
    #echo $router
    echo $router >> /a/etc/defaultrouter

  6. Jass will replace some files on the system, the new versions are found in the Files subdirectory. Depending on your preferences, you may wish to tweak some files, such as:

    .cshrc, .login – improve the path + prompt, reduce umask and add some aliases.
    etc/syslog.conf – log to a central loghost and locally (see syslog.conf).
    etc/motd, etc/issue, etc/default/ftpd, etc/default/telnetd – warning banners
    etc/nsswitch.conf – add dns to host lookups or add NIS or NIS+

  7. If you use DNS and the client setup is the same for your jumpstart hosts, then copy a template /etc/resolv.conf into /jumpstart/Files/etc and then add ‘/etc/resolv.conf’ to $JASS_FILES in Drivers/hardening.driver.
  8. This method can be used to add any other files that need to be copied over during Jumpstart installation.
    In addition, files that depend on hostname (‘uname -n’) and architecture (‘uname -r’) can be defined, which allow for a jumpstart customised for specific hosts, e.g./etc/resolv.conf.$HOSTNAME
  9. To remove the numerous suid/sgid files (see the section limiting SUID Files), a file Finish/remove-suid.fin can be created and added to Drivers/hardening.driver.
  10. The Drivers/user.init was created with some custom settings, to tailor behaviour for this system (for instance sendmail is configured for queuing and not as an smtp server, /tmp can only take up 200MB of swap space, daemons won’t create world readable files, etc.

    # user.init
    # sb, 02.Oct.01

    ## When used with Jumpstart:

    ## v0.3.1
    ## Don’t save files replaced by patches:

  11. The default terminal, TERM is set to vt100 in /etc/.login by Finish/set-term, which is fine for servers managed by the serial console, but less useful for Workstations, or servers when a GUI is console is necessary (of course avoiding a GUI console is recommend for security). To disable the TERM setting, comment the set-term line in Drivers/hardening.driver.
  12. Sun recommend that if you change hardening.driver (or other Jass scripts), it is best to copy it to xyz_hardening.driver and run this new driver (where ‘xyz’ would be an abbreviation of your company or department name). In this way, when you install new Jass versions, they can fearlessly overwrite the default scripts and you can use ‘diff’ to check for changes.

Additional Notes

This article has been very specific, in the interest of making it practical. However, each security administrator has his own methods and each site has different requirements. There are many more issues than just those above, we address some more advanced topics in this section:

  • EEPROM security options, or protecting the Console::
    • On high availability servers where the console is exposed, switch on security which requires a password to be entered each time the EEPROM prompt is accessed.
      a) This should be used with care, as forgetting the password can render a machine useless.
      b) This password is needed for each reboot (so console access is needed for rebooting)
      c) This has the additional benefit of preventing a DoS attack: if an attacker does penetrate the machine at some stage later in it’s life, he cannot set a random password and hence render the host useless until the NVRAM has been replaced.
      eeprom security-mode=command
    • The Stop-A keyboard sequence can be disabled by setting KEYBOARD_ABORT to disable in /etc/default/kbd.  Of course “STOP-A; sync” won’t work anymore which can be a major inconvenience, so it’s suggested only for physically insecure environments.
    • If managing a console via serial cable, an alternate BREAK signal can be set up to prevent terminal power cycles causing a stop of the console and to allow the break signal to be sent from terminal emulators that cannot send a BREAK signal properly (e.g. HyperTerminal). STOP-A behaviour from a graphical console will not be affected by this setting.
      The change is available as follows:
      2.5.1 or lower: upgrade to 2.6 or better
      2.6: requires patch 105924-10 or later
      7: requires patch 107589-02 or later
      8: functionality is already integrated.
      To enable the new break signal (which is <RETURN> <TILDE> <CONTROL-B>), edit /etc/default/kbd and set KEYBOARD_ABORT=alternate. (Make sure Tilde works correctly on your keyboard first!).
  • Time Synchronisation:
    • If you think you might have to produce evidence in court, use NTP to synchronise time, not rdate. Prosecutions have failed because, on busy servers, a few seconds difference could be used to insist that there is a doubt about the identity of a session. (This happened to a bank in Australia trying to prosecute an Internal Attacker).
    • If using NTP, either get a cheap radio clock (if you are near an appropriate transmitter – e.g. the Stuttgart transmitter in Germany), or setup a dedicated bastion host as a 2nd stratum NTP server, which uses three 1st stratum sources.
    • Setup the firewall filter to allow only NTP from the bastion NTP server to the three 1st stratums and allow Intranet hosts to query the bastion.
    • Other hosts can synchronise to the NTP servers via a simple cron command, they don’t have to run the ntp daemon. This is my favourite way of using NTP clients, due to it’s simplicity and inherent security.
    /usr/sbin/ntpdate -s ntp1 ntp2 ntp3
    • NTP can also be setup for higher security by configuring DES+MD5 authentication keys on server and client, see man xntpd.
    • Sun published a ‘blueprint’ on NTP in August 2001, that covers most issues:
  • Use Jumpstart: for installing large numbers of hosts, or to be able to quickly produce a new hardened host (perhaps after a failure). Jumpstart is not much easier to setup and customise with Jass.
  • If you are using multiple network interfaces, you may want to use a different MAC address for each of them. By default, Solaris will use the same MAC addresses for all the network interfaces connected to the same box (It will use the MAC address which is burnt in the EEPROM motherboard). If you want each network interfaces to use its own MAC address, type:
    eeprom local-mac-address\?=true
  • Logging:
    • in addition to centralised syslogs, you might like to keep an additional local copy – in case the syslog server goes down or is subjected to a denial of service attack. Make sure /var is a separate filesystem if you use local logging, to avoid root being filled and the system stopping.
    • There are several improved syslog daemons [17] .
  • Intrusion detection:
    • Regular logfile analysis can be implemented with customer scripts or tools such as logcheck and swatch [6].
    • Integrity checkers: see section above.
    • Tocsin: Doug Hughes (Doug.Hughes@Eng.Auburn.edu) wrote tocsin, a “featherweight network intrusion detection system” back in 1996. It is a free tool that listens for network scans. Tocsin only needs to be installed once per subnet, unless switches are used i.e. all nodes do not see all traffic. It uses DLPI [see note1] kernel level packet filtering and runs out of the box on SunOS and Solaris to catch port and stealth scans (SYN, FIN, ACK, Xmas, RST, etc). Alert messages are logged to syslog ‘auth’, startup and shutdown messages are logged to ‘daemon’.In August 2000, tocsin was significantly improved and version released:
      fixed log file permissions
      new tcp or udp options (:t or :u) per service
      ported to Solaris 8 sparc/Intel
      new common package for Solaris sparc/Intel
      change UID to nobody after binding to the network
      new man page and startup file ‘S70tocsin’ added
      New options: -T tcp only, -D destination network only, -O log IP options, -I invert port matching filter conditions.This amazing little tool (it’s only 20kB) is simple, but works quite well. The new options allow significant reduction of false positives. For this article, it was tested on Solaris 2.7-2.8/sparc and Solaris 2.8/Intel, but it should run on Solaris 2.6 and possible 2.5.1 also.
      tocsin can be downloaded in source form (tocsin.tar.gz), or a Solaris package (AUBtocsin), from [4].Recommendation: Install one Tocsin per subnet, or on several sensitive hosts if switches rather than hubs are used, since all subnet traffic cannot be monitored by one Tocsin daemon.

      Note1: DLPI is the Datalink Provider Interface (a standard based on ISO 8886 and 8802 for Streams based kernel implementations of packet filtering)

    • I have written a perl script monitor_socket.pl [3] that listens to a list of sockets and notifies by email and syslog if a connection is received. It was originally written to detect Sybase and Satan connection attempts. Tocsin above, is a superior solution by far though.
  • SSH notes: See www.boran.com/security/sp/ssh-part2.html for a discussion to how to compile and make packages for Sun.Configure an appropriate /etc/ssh_config file (see also [7]), so that access is restricted to named hosts with known public keys (/etc/ssh_known_hosts) and rhosts authentication is disabled. Avoid trusts. Only allow specific users and hosts to access SSH. Deny daemon accounts access.
  • Boot disk backup: Minimum downtime and prevention of data-loss is important for most servers. The traditional solution is to use a RAID box to cover for disk failures. However, if the root /usr /var filesystems are on RAID and the raid controller goes, you have a problem (unless you have a fully redundant raid). I’ve been caught out twice over the last years by failed fibre channels and controllers and I now use RAID for data disks, put system files on a “normal” disk and mirror to an identical disk each night. If the boot disk dies, boot from the second disk.
    The script mirror_boot.sh has been developed to do just that, coldmirroring20010306.html
  • C2 auditing/BSM: Solaris contains an audit trail feature called Basic Security Module (BSM). This can be useful for tracking commands executed by users. See also [22].
  • Headless x86: It is possible to get PCs to use the serial port A (COM1) as their consoles. On Solaris 8:
    eeprom ttya-ignore-cd=true
    eeprom input-device=ttya
    eeprom output-device=ttya

    However the keyboard must be left attached (my test Compaq PC did not have a BIOS option to disable the keyboard).
    See also Question 6.20 on www.sun.pmbc.com/faq/6.html and  aa11.cjb.net/sun_managers/2000/01/msg00326.html
  • Versioning: It’s a good idea to keep previous versions of configuration files, to allow rollback and have an audit trail. This is called versioning.  It is especially important when several administrators manage a host, changes are frequent, etc. Versioning can also be used with Jumpstart scripts and config files.  Some sysadmins use RCS (included in Yassp), some use CVS, some copy the configuration file to file.DATE before hand, some do nothing :).
    Francisco Mancardi [fman@uyr.com.ar] has written a simple script that can be used to save a copy of a file or directory before doing modifications.
    Saveit is a little tool to make a backup of config files before you change them. It saves a copy under /Backup.d/DATE/ and logs “who saved what file” in /Backup.d/log-DATE. The existing directory structure is preserved under the backup directory.
    It’s a simple, but useful version control tool for text files. e.g.

    etc/[9]% saveit vfstab
    copying file vfstab ===> /Backup.d/20000707/etc/vfstab
    etc/[61]% saveit vfstab
    copying file vfstab ===> /Backup.d/20000707/etc/vfstab.13:37
    etc/[10]% ls -l /Backup.d/20000707/etc/vfs*
    -rw-r–r– 1 root sys 386 Mar 14 08:31 /Backup.d/20000707/etc/vfstab
    -rw-r–r– 1 root sys 386 Mar 14 08:31 /Backup.d/20000707/etc/vfstab.13:37

    etc/[11]% tail /Backup.d/log-20000707
    Backup base directory /Backup.d
    Backup requested by root
    Date (dd/mm/aaaa) 07-07-2000
    Time 11:36
    Backup base directory /Backup.d
    Backup requested by root
    Date (dd/mm/aaaa) 07-07-2000
    Time 13:37

    The advantage of this tool are: simplicity and no clogging up the current directory with old versions of files, rcs directories etc.

Solaris Security: Step-by-Step 2
Solaris Security or Unix Security?
• For this talk, we’ll be using Solaris syntax
• However, the same steps can (and should)
be applied to any Unix-like OS
• Pointers to specific instructions for many
different OS types at the end of the course
While this talk will be looking primarily at the Solaris operating system, the 10
basic steps we’ll be covering can be applied to any Unix-like operating system. The
trick is finding out the correct syntax for each vendor’s operating system. At the
end of the talk, there are two pages of URLs which point to various Internet sites
that either have automated tools for hardening systems, or white papers and other
documentation on system hardening.
Solaris Security: Step-by-Step 3
Step 1: Minimize OS Image
• Choose the smallest OS install cluster
that’s appropriate for your application
– Less that can go wrong (security & reliability)
– Less disk space consumed, faster reboots
• For Internet servers, use Core System
Support cluster
• Even smaller, customized package sets
can be used
The first step is to pick the smallest operating system image you can get away with
for your application. Extra features like Windowing systems and GUI-based
management tools, volume managers, etc. are convenient but can provide extra
avenues for attackers to break into your systems. We want to tend towards the
“security” end of the “security vs. ease-of-use” spectrum.
Internet servers– like Web servers, FTP servers, firewall devices, etc.– really only
need a bare minimum OS install. For Solaris, this is the Core System Support
cluster (SUNWCreq). This image does not include the Windowing system,
programming tools (/usr/ccs/bin, header files in /usr/include, etc.), or
even the system manual pages. You may want to customize the package list further
for your particular application. Sun has published a white paper on further
minimizing the Solaris operating system as part of their Blueprints™ series (URL at
the end of the talk).
One of the advantages to this kind of stripped-down OS install is size. The full
Solaris install requires at least a gigabyte of space just for the OS files themselves
(not counting swap space, space for logging, user and application data, etc). The
Core cluster can fit in a couple of hundred megabytes. Also, with less installed on
the system, there’s less that can go wrong to cause the system to crash or lock up,
and rebooting or restarting the system happens much faster.
Solaris Security: Step-by-Step 4
Step 2: Apply Patches
• At least download and install Sun’s
“Recommended Patch Cluster”
• Also check Patch Report file for additional
security patches
• Patches must be maintained on an
ongoing basis!
Once you’ve decided exactly which pieces of the operating system you wish to
install, download and install the Recommended Patch Cluster for your OS version.
It’s important that you install all of the OS packages that you’ll need before you
apply patches. If you install OS software after your patch install, you may end up
with unpatched software that has security issues.
Patches can be found at ftp://sunsolve.sun.com/pub/patches: the
cluster files are named _Recommended.zip (or .tar.Z for Solaris 2.6
and earlier). Note that not all security patches are necessarily included in the
recommended patch set, so you’ll also want to check out the
Solaris.PatchReport files in the same directory.
New patches are coming out all the time, so figure out some mechanism for keeping
your machines up-to-date. If you’re running a big farm of identical Internet servers,
you may just want to rebuild your machines in rotation (a few at a time) and install
up-to-date patches at that point.
Solaris Security: Step-by-Step 5
Step 3: Minimize Boot Services
• Disable everything not absolutely needed
• Big offenders:
– NFS, NIS, and other RPC-based services
– Sendmail, httpd, and other Internet servers
– SNMP, printer daemons, GUI logins, etc.
• Also remove related configuration files to
make system easier to audit
Patches cover security vulnerabilities that we’re aware of, but new exploits are
being discovered every day. The best way to protect yourself from problems that
we don’t know about yet is to turn off all of the services that you’re not using.
There’s an unbeatable smug feeling of satisfaction you get reading the latest
BUGTRAQ posting a knowing that you’re not vulnerable because you elected not to
run a given service in the first place.
The basic principal here is:
If you don’t need it, turn it off.
If you’re not sure whether you need it or not, turn it off and see what breaks!
Prior to the distributed denial-of-service attacks in early Y2K, thousands of
Internet-connected machines were compromised via the well-known
rpc.ttdbserverd and rpc.cmsd holes. These machines later became the
“zombie” or “daemon” servers used in the attacks. You have to wonder why Web
servers need to be running Sun’s calendar manager daemon– the answer being, of
course, that they don’t!
Certain utilities are fine inside of a strongly firewalled environment– NFS, NIS,
print daemons, GUIs, etc.– but should never be used on machines that are
essentially connected directly to the Internet (Web servers, mail relays, etc.). Given
the rash of SNMP vulnerabilities in the last few months, definitely disable the
Solaris SNMP daemon if you’re not currently using SNMP for network
management. Also, unless your system is a mail server, turn off the Sendmail
daemon or at least don’t listen for incoming mail on port 25 (disable the –bd
Solaris Security: Step-by-Step 6
Step 4: Disable inetd Services
• Remote admin requires login shell access
and file transfer– SSH does both securely
• Consider running SSH and turning off
inetd completely
• If you must run inetd:
– Remove unused entries from inetd.conf
– Use TCP Wrappers on remaining entries
– Use inetd –t for extra logging
In addition to the other services started at boot time, inetd will start up a number
of other network-related services on demand. Everything that is run out of inetd
has probably had at least one security vulnerability reported against it in recent
memory. inetd enables clear-text login and file transfer protocols (like telnet,
FTP, and rlogin/rcp) which can be sniffed, spoofed, and hijacked. Other
services (like echo, chargen, etc.) can be used as denial-of-service attacks.
From a networking perspective, all you really need is the ability to administer your
systems remotely (and perhaps not even that if you’re willing to do all your work at
the system console). This means you need the ability to log into the system over the
network and transfer files back and forth. SSH provides both of these services (and
more) and is encrypted to prevent eavesdropping and hijacking. It may be that all
you need is SSH– in which case you can turn off inetd completely.
If you must run inetd for some reason, make sure to eliminate all services that are
not absolutely required and use TCP Wrappers to protect the rest. Solaris also
supports “connection tracing” in inetd (start inetd with the –t flag) which
provides additional logging about each connection.
Solaris Security: Step-by-Step 7
Step 5: Tweak Kernel
Network configuration:
– Disable IP forwarding, drop source routed
– Protect against SYN floods, Smurf attacks
– Drop ICMP redirects, reduce ARP timeouts
– Help stop remote network mapping efforts
Other kernel parameters:
– Enable stack protection
– Prevent core dumps
– Set limits on processes
There are a number of parameters in the Solaris kernel which can be tweaked to enhance security. Network
parameters are generally set using the ndd command (you’ll need to add a script to your boot directories
which sets these parameters automatically), and other parameters can be set in /etc/system.
On the network side of things, Solaris systems by default have IP forwarding enabled (the system will act as
a router if it has multiple network interfaces) and source routed packets will be accepted. Neither of these
is a good idea. The default Solaris ARP timeout (20 minutes) makes ARP spoofing attacks much easier, so
tuning this value down can help. Increasing the values for number of half-open connections and reducing
the half-open connection timeout can help your system handle SYN flood type attacks more easily.
Disabling various types of ICMP messages can help you prevent attackers from mapping your networks
remotely, and even prevent your systems from being used as an amplifier network for a Smurf-style attack.
Similarly, you can prevent the machine from obeying ICMP redirects (which could be used to maliciously
change your routing table on the fly).
You should definitely add the following two lines to your /etc/system file:
set noexec_user_stack = 1
set noexec_user_stack_log = 1
This turns on “stack protection” (available for Solaris 2.6 and later only) which will help protect you from
many buffer overflow attacks. You may also want to disable core dumps in /etc/system on your
production servers (core dumps are world-readable and can contain sensitive information), but remember
that your developers will probably want the ability to get core files on their development workstations.
/etc/system can also allow you to set other limits (like the maximum number of processes per user,
etc.) that can help prevent local denial-of-service attacks.
Solaris Security: Step-by-Step 8
Step 6: Increase Logging
• Definitely tweak syslog.conf to capture
auth.info and daemon.notice msgs
• Create /var/adm/loginlog
• Additional levels of logging:
– System accounting (sar and friends)
– Process accounting
– Kernel level auditing (BSM)
The more information you log about your systems, the more likely you are to log something which
enables you to detect an attacker. Think about Cliff Stoll noticing an intruder on his system
because of a 75 cent accounting discrepancy (read The Cuckoo’s Egg for more information).
At a minimum, tweak your syslog.conf file so that you at least log auth.info (and higher)
to a local log file and/or to some other machine. By default Solaris throws messages sent to
LOG_AUTH away, which is unfortunate since this is where all of the interesting security
information about the system goes. If you’re using inetd connection tracing (inetd –t), then
you also need to log daemon.notice in order to get the connection logs from inetd.
If you create /var/adm/loginlog, then bad login messages will be logged to this file (and to
LOG_AUTH). Starting with Solaris 8, you can also set SYSLOG_FAILED_LOGINS in
/etc/default/login to control how many failed logins must occur before a message is
logged. If set to zero, then all failed logins are logged (hint: this is what you want).
There are several other options beyond these sorts of standard logging facilities. System accounting
keeps track of system usage information (CPU load, memory usage, disk usage, etc.)– by defining a
baseline for your system’s performance, you can detect unexpected or illicit usage by detecting
departures from the baseline. Process accounting keeps track of which commands users are running
on your system, but can be a performance drag on the machine. Kernel level auditing (aka BSM)
keeps track of even more information, but generates huge audit logs and can also be a performance
Solaris Security: Step-by-Step 9
Step 7: Protect File Systems
• File systems should either be mounted
“nosuid” or “ro” (read-only)
• Set “logging” option on root file system
if you’re running Solaris 8 or later
• Don’t forget removable media devices:
– Turn off vold if possible
– Make sure rmmount.conf sets “nosuid”
From a file system perspective, you want to make it harder for attackers to replace OS programs with
their rootkits and other tools. You also want to prevent people from bringing unauthorized set-UID
binaries on your system. The simplest bit of wisdom here is the basic rule:
File systems should either be mounted “nosuid” or “ro”.
In particular, the /usr file system contains all of the critical OS programs and set-UID binaries but is
relatively static, so you should mount /usr “ro” (read-only). When you need to install patches, you
can make the file system read-write again with the command “mount –o remount,rw /usr”, but
you’ll need to reboot the system to make it read-only again. You may be able to mount /opt,
/usr/local, and other file systems containing third-party software tools “ro” as well.
All other file systems should be mounted “nosuid”. Unfortunately, Sun has decided that setting
“nosuid” also implies “nodev” (device files don’t work), which means you can’t mount the root file
system (which contains /devices) “nosuid”– and you can’t make it read-only either. You also need
to be careful about the whole “nosuid”/”nodev” thing on file systems where you’re running
chroot()ed daemons (FTP servers, BIND, etc.) since the “nosuid” will interfere with the device
files required in your chroot() directory structure.
Removable media is a great way for attackers to compromise your systems if they have physical access–
just bring in a CD-ROM with a set-UID copy of the shell on it. If your users don’t need the ability to
mount CDs and floppies, turn off the system volume manager (you can use sudo to give your users this
ability without having to run the volume manager). Also, be sure to set the “nosuid” option for all
removable media devices in the volume manager configuration file, /etc/rmmount.conf (this is the
default for Solaris 8 and later).
Solaris Security: Step-by-Step 10
Step 8: Set Warning Banners
Authorized uses only.
All activity may be monitored and reported.
• Places to set warning banners:
– /etc/motd and /etc/issue
– /etc/default/{telnetd,ftpd}
– GUI Login
While the legal precedents for various system warning messages are unclear, security experts
generally believe it’s a good idea to inform users (authorized and otherwise) that the system is for
authorized users/uses only and that all activity may be monitored and the results of that monitoring
reported to the appropriate authorities as necessary. This message should definitely appear in the
/etc/motd file (displayed after login). Ideally, though, you’d like to present the message before
login. However, there are lots of different places you’ll need to set the message because logins can
occur over a variety of channels including the standard system login (put message in
/etc/issue), telnet and FTP (use the BANNER variable in
/etc/default/{telnetd,ftpd}), and GUI logins
Here’s a longer warning banner that was developed by the US Department of Justice:
This system is for the use of authorized users only. Individuals using this computer system
without authority, or in excess of their authority, are subject to having all of their activities on
this system monitored and recorded by system personnel.
In the course of monitoring individuals improperly using this system, or in the course of system
maintenance, the activities of authorized users may also be monitored.
Anyone using this system expressly consents to such monitoring and is advised that if such
monitoring reveals possible evidence of criminal activity, system personnel may provide the
evidence of such monitoring to law enforcement officials.
Solaris Security: Step-by-Step 11
Step 9: Tighten Access Control
• Root logins only on system console
• Disable or remove unused accounts
• Create /etc/ftpusers
• Disable .rhosts support
• Restrict cron/at access
• Set EEPROM security-mode
• Restrict XDMCP, set locking screen saver
• Make sure that CONSOLE=/dev/console is set in /etc/default/login so that root logins are
only allowed on the system console device. Normally users should be forced to log in and then su to
become root.
• Audit your password file and remove accounts that are not being used (like the uucp, nuucp, and smtp
users). All other “system” accounts (like adm, daemon, bin, etc.) should have their shells set to
/dev/null to block access.
• Create an /etc/ftpusers file (even if you don’t have FTP enabled). Remember that
/etc/ftpusers is the list of users who are not allowed to FTP into the system– root belongs here, as do
all of the “system” accounts from /etc/password.
• If you’re using SSH, then make sure your sshd_config file does not allow .rhosts functionality
(“IgnoreRhosts yes”, etc.). Also edit /etc/pam_conf and remove any lines containing
rhosts_auth, even if you’ve disabled rlogin/rcp.
• cron.allow and at.allow list the users who are allowed to run the crontab and at commands to
submit/modify/delete cron jobs. On production systems, it is often the case that only the root user needs
this functionality. Note that cron jobs will run as other users even if root is the only user listed in
• Setting “eeprom security-mode=command” will cause the machine to prompt for a password
before boot-level commands are accepted. This prevents attackers with physical access from booting from
alternate media (like a CD-ROM) and bypassing your system security.
• If you’re running X Windows on the machine, make sure to disable remote XDMCP access in
/etc/dt/config/Xaccess. You may also want to set a default locking screensaver timeout for your
users in /etc/dt/config/*/sys.resources.
Solaris Security: Step-by-Step 12
Step 10: Install Security Tools
Bare minimum required tools:
– TCP Wrappers
– fix-modes
Extra credit:
– Tripwire, AIDE, etc.
– Logsentry (formerly Logcheck) or Swatch
– Host-based firewall, Portsentry, etc.
It’s pretty much impossible to completely secure a Solaris machine without adding some
freely-available security software from the Internet. fix-modes sets appropriate
permissions on various OS files and directories (get fix-modes from
ftp://ftp.science.uva.nl/pub/solaris/). SSH and TCP Wrappers are
critical for network security. NTP (the Network Time Protocol for keeping system
clocks in synch) doesn’t necessarily seem like security software, but how are you
planning on investigating security incidents at your site if the time on your hosts doesn’t
agree with the time on your routers, firewalls, and intrusion detection systems? SSH
and TCP Wrappers are bundled with the OS starting with Solaris 9. NTP has been
available in the Solaris OS since Solaris 2.6.
Beyond these tools, there are many other useful security tools out there. Tripwire,
AIDE, et al are all integrity checking tools which will tell you when files on your
machine have been modified (like after a successful break-in). Logsentry (formerly
Logcheck) and Swatch are tools which will automatically monitor your log files and
report “interesting” events to the administrator. You can also deploy host-based
firewalls (IPFilter is the free tool for Solaris and other Unix systems, but Sun making
their SunScreen product available for free as of Solaris 8) and monitoring tools like
www.sunfreeware.com provides pre-compiled binaries for many of these tools in
Solaris pkgadd format.
Solaris Security: Step-by-Step 13
Looking Ahead to Solaris 9
• SSH and TCP Wrappers bundled in
• Sendmail upgraded to 8.12.x
• X server now supports –nolisten option
• Bundled log rotation service (logadm)
• Kernel /dev/random device
• Disk Suite (now “Solaris Volume Mgr “)
• UFS snapshots feature (fssnap)
Solaris 9 is now available and includes many, many useful new features (for more
detail, check out http://docs.sun.com/?p=/doc/806-5202/):
• Solaris 9 now ships with SSH and TCP Wrappers (as well as many other “Open
Source” tools like bash, zsh, GNU grep, GNU tar, etc).
• Solaris 9 ships with Sendmail 8.12.x by default. This is significant because it means
that /usr/lib/sendmail is no longer set-UID to root.
• The X server that ships with Solaris 9 now has a –nolisten option that enables
the admin or user to prevent their X server for listening for X events over the network.
Since local clients are still OK, users can still tunnel remote X events via SSH.
• Solaris 9 finally includes a generic log rotation/archiving tool called logadm. This
means you don’t have to worry about /var/log/authlog et al growing without
bound and consuming /var.
• Solaris 9 finally includes a kernel /dev/random device for SSH, SSL, etc.
• Lot’s of features have been added to the file system. Most interestingly, Solaris’ UFS
file system now supports “snapshots”– temporary, copy-on-write style, static read-only
copies of the file system for easy backups, etc (Network Appliance users will be
familiar with this concept). An updated version of Sun’s Disk Suite product (now
called the Solaris Volume Manager) is also bundled into the OS.
Solaris Security: Step-by-Step 14
Automated Hardening Tools
• TITAN (Solaris and Linux)
• Hal’s “configurator”
• Bastille (Linux and HP-UX)
The first four tools listed here are all automated tools for hardening Solaris systems
in similar ways to the material I’ve covered in this talk. Bastille does a similar job
for Linux systems (and for HP-UX as of the most recent beta release). TITAN now
supports both Solaris and Linux systems. YASSP development may be “dead in the
water” because the author of the tool no longer has time to maintain it.
My own home page (http://www.deer-run.com/~hal/) has a bunch of
other security-related information and useful tricks.
Solaris Security: Step-by-Step 15
Other Hardening Procedures
• Solaris, HP-UX, RedHat/Mandrake, IOS, Windows:
• Solaris, RedHat/Mandrake, BIND, Apache:
• Solaris, HP-UX, Tru64, Windows NT:
• Sun Blueprints™ On-Line
Here are some additional URLs which point to hardening guidelines for a variety of
operating systems and applications.
In addition to free guidelines for various operating systems, the Center for Internet
Security is also providing free auditing tools to test your systems for compliance.
Unlike the automated “hardening” tools on the previous slide, the Center’s tools are
strictly “read-only” and don’t change any settings on the machine.
Sun’s Blueprints™ series has contains lots of interesting documents. In particular
there are several documents by Alex Noordergraaf and others on topics ranging
from OS minimization, to network security settings in the kernel, to the JASS




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